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STUDY 2007 HTM file
Day hospital and residential addiction treatment: randomized and nonrandomized managed care clients

By selecting clients at the very edge of ethically requiring referral to residential care, this US study confirms that unless there are pressing contraindications, intensive non-residential options deliver equivalent outcomes. Often of course, there ARE pressing contraindications.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Methadone patients in the therapeutic community: a test of equivalency

Are therapeutic communities incompatible with methadone maintenance? Not when staff have been prepared to accept and work with methadone patients and programmes adapted to accommodate them. Then patients stay as long and sustain abstinence from illegal drug use just as well as other residents.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
A study of methadone maintenance for male prisoners: 3-month postrelease outcomes

US study shows the value of immediate post-release transfer to an awaiting methadone maintenance slot for formerly heroin dependent prisoners willing to try this treatment but is less clear on the value of actually starting the treatment in prison.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 115Kb
Clues on to how to match clients to therapeutic styles

Convergent clues to how to match clients to therapist styles have emerged from research at a Philadelphia counselling service seeing poor black cocaine users and from an offshoot of Project MATCH involving mainly white, employed dependent drinkers.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 109Kb
Rapid detoxification facilitates transfer to naltrexone but gains fade

Relative to usual procedures, in the Netherlands, Australia and the USA, rapid withdrawal under anaesthesia enabled more opiate dependent patients to transfer to naltrexone and remain opiate free in the short-term, but within a year gains had diminished.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 99Kb
How to transform a poor aftercare attendance record into an excellent one

Through a series of inexpensive or cost-free initiatives each building on the other, researchers at the US Salem Veterans Affairs medical centre transformed its aftercare attendance record and improved substance use outcomes.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 91Kb
DTTOs' anti-crime impact undermined by a failure to retain offenders

The first published study on Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (treatment offered instead of normal sentencing) in Britain revealed that their impact on drug-related offenders was seriously undermined by widespread failure to complete the orders.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 140Kb
Crack: making and sustaining the break

The first UK follow-up study of service use by crack users revealed that after residential crisis intervention practically none avoided relapse without the aid of follow-on treatment, especially residential rehabilitation and attending mutual aid groups.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 967Kb
Take the network into treatment

Distinguished US authors summarise the evidence for a new direction in the treatment of substance abuse problems - harnessing friends, lovers, sons, daughters and workmates to reconstruct the incentives in a client's life.

REVIEW 2003 PDF file 925Kb
Role Reversal

Controversial, expensive, yet promising so much, interest is increasing in prescribing heroin to heroin addicts. Just five studies hold what answers there are to whether this can work, including a probably unrepeatable early British study.

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