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OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 147Kb
NTA guidance on heroin prescribing

Guidance from the English National Treatment Agency on the prescribing of injectable opioids for the treatment of heroin addiction based on the views of an expert group and a review of the literature.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 134Kb
Is your measure of success what matters to the client, or what matters to everyone else?

How a patient assesses their own well-being can be poorly related to conventional outcomes such as substance use. Using quality of life as a benchmark would often give a different impression of whether one treatment or service is better than another.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 268Kb
DTTOs: the Scottish way cuts the failure rate

Though rare in Scotland, failure is the norm for drug treatment and testing orders (court-ordered treatment as an alternative to normal sentencing) in England and Wales, leading to high reconviction rates. Two studies help account for the difference.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Home visits reduce risk of 'hidden harm' to children of drug treatment patients

In Australia a home-based child welfare intervention for methadone-maintained parents improved parenting and decreased the risks of child abuse or neglect, offering one way to address current concerns about the children of dependent drug users.

IN PRACTICE 2003 PDF file 601Kb
Much more than outcomes

The principles behind this treatment monitoring system developed in Leeds remain relevant: grounded in a theory of addiction, it can accommodate the shifting priorities of politicians or commissioners without threatening its scientific integrity.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 151Kb
Restricted view creates impression of 'chronic relapsing condition'

New studies suggest that the image of addiction as a 'chronic relapsing condition' is due to seeing it through the narrow slit of treatment populations who lack (or have been denied) the physical, psychological and social resources needed to recover.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 134Kb
Motivational interviews as a standalone or treatment-entry response to stimulant use

US and Australian findings suggest that short motivational interventions can both reinforce stimulant-specific treatment and usefully address stimulant use in settings such as needle exchanges and methadone programmes.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 193Kb
Engaging crack users in treatment: time is of the essence

In a deprived area of New Jersey, next-day appointments quadrupled initial attendance at a cocaine treatment service. More generally, rapid treatment entry means fewer clients drop out early without damaging longer-term retention.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 235Kb
First large-scale randomised trial boosts case for heroin prescribing

From the Netherlands, the first large-scale, randomised trial found that for patients previously failed by oral methadone, prescribing injectable or smokable heroin instead greatly reduces crime and improves health and social functioning.

REVIEW 2003 PDF file 178Kb
Lofexidine safe and effective in opiate detoxification

Cochrane review concludes that lofexidine almost matches methadone for opiate detoxification and has fewer side effects than clonidine, making it preferable when opiate-type drugs are contra-indicated. Extended text includes details of relevant studies.

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