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STUDY 2000 PDF file 111Kb
Careful induction prevents overdose deaths among methadone patients

Studies from Australia and Scotland both find that overdose death during methadone maintenance is closely related to continued illegal drug use in the early stages of treatment.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 117Kb
Sympathetic ear helps clients overcome dependence on amphetamine

A British study highlights the role of the counselling relationship in the treatment of amphetamine dependence, a drug whose use and transition to non-use seems intimately bound up with social relationships.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 112Kb
Client-receptive treatment more important than treatment-receptive clients

A careful analysis of US drug counselling confirms that engaging with treatment is linked to good outcomes and that both depend on how well the counsellor relates to the client, which cannot be reduced to simplistic matching on gender and race.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 117Kb
Acupuncture yet to convince

Three trials which treated alcohol or cocaine dependent patients with acupuncture at sites on the ear recommended for addiction or at nearby 'sham' sites failed to demonstrate an advantage for the recommended sites.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 149Kb
Clash of philosophies impedes work with young drug using offenders

Two innovative British projects provide valuable lessons about the problems of integrating drug counsellors in a youth justice setting and how these might be dealt with in order to more effectively tackle youth offending.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 110Kb
Mandatory aftercare (probably) reduces recidivism after prison treatment

Reduced reoffending after treatment in Texas's first prison-based therapeutic community for drug users depended on completion of a residential aftercare phase, reinforcing the throughcare element of UK prison service plans.

STUDY 2000 PDF file 144Kb
Methadone's failures respond to heroin

A large-scale trial in Switzerland suggests that despite failures with other treatments, many long-term heroin addicts respond well to a treatment based on injectable heroin.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 255Kb
Methadone treatment cost-effective life saver

Three studies which show that getting in to and staying in methadone treatment cost-effectively saves the lives of heroin addicts. Conversely, being denied treatment or discharged for rule-breaking costs lives.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 217Kb
Arrest referral breaks drugs-crime cycle

Early UK report clarified what makes for a successful arrest referral scheme based on experience at three schemes which adopted the 'proactive' approach of initiating contact with arrestees or offenders thought to be problem drug users.

REVIEW 1999 PDF file 592Kb
Pressure pays

The UK increasingly relies on court-ordered treatment to reduce drug-related crime, but can this really do the trick? Distinguished British expert Philip Bean assesses the evidence.

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