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STUDY 1999 PDF file 224Kb
Coerced arrest referral as early intervention

UK studies show that 'incentive' schemes (diversion from prosecution for offenders who address their drug use) may intercept the careers of young, casual drug users and avoid costly proceedings but are not applicable to criminally active, dependent users.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 178Kb
Some counselling maximises methadone cost-effectiveness

Suggests that increasing availability of counselling modestly (to three times a week, uptake in practice under one a week) buys more abstinence per dollar than offering daily access plus other services.

IN PRACTICE 1999 PDF file 292Kb
Are we right to spend more?

Commissioners in London wanted to know if they were getting value for money from extending residential and day care stays for substance dependent clients. To find out they trialed the Christo Inventory, a new quick and simple monitoring tool.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 182Kb
Heroin prescribing can help methadone's failures

Studies in UK and Switzerland show that many opiate-dependent patients failed by oral methadone, or seeking treatment but unwilling to give up heroin, do better if prescribed heroin in terms of crime, illicit opiate use and psychological wellbeing.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 175Kb
US study establishes optimal durations for drug detoxification and rehabilitation

A new computerised network which tracked clients across the Boston treatment system revealed cut-off points beyond which greater retention in residential or outpatient treatment was not associated with higher rates of treatment completion.

STUDY 1999 PDF file 172Kb
Arrest referral cost-effective way to cut drug-related offending

Synthesis of research on arrest referral schemes in Brighton, Derby and Southwark estimates that such schemes would break even by preventing just four crimes per successful referral.

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