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REVIEW 2006 PDF file 856Kb
Case management

An expert Euro-US collaboration led by Wouter Vanderplasschen from Belgium examines what in Britain is now seen as the core mechanism for transforming isolated episodes of care into coherently staged and comprehensive reintegration programmes.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 106Kb
Improving continuity of care in a public addiction treatment system with clinical case management

In Philadelphia intensive case management created the kind of post-detoxification continuity of care which dramatically cut repeated admissions for detoxification, increased the numbers able to be treated, and offered patients a better chance of gaining lasting stability.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Does coordinated care management improve employment for substance-using welfare recipients?

In New York intensive case management coordinating multiple sources of support helped resolve the substance use problems of welfare applicants, but only among the women – who faced the greatest barriers to working – did this promote employment. Perhaps men would have done better being helped to rapidly enter the job market.

REVIEW 2019 HTM file
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of case management for substance use disorders: a recovery perspective

How does an intervention designed to enhance coordination and continuity of services, known as ‘case management’, compare to treatment as usual? Is there any evidence to suggest that it can directly or indirectly improve recovery outcomes?

STUDY 2000 PDF file 147Kb
Constructive response to worried parents

Research on a community reinforcement approach shows that relatives can learn how to engage a problem drug user in treatment without resort to confrontation - and even if the user continues to resist, the relatives feel better and healthier.

REVIEW 2002 PDF file 160Kb
Community reinforcement approach to treatment comes of age

Signifying the therapy's new prominence, research on the community reinforcement approach has been gathered together in a prestigious book series. There also two readily available manuals, one covering alcohol treatment, the other cocaine.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 967Kb
Take the network into treatment

Distinguished US authors summarise the evidence for a new direction in the treatment of substance abuse problems - harnessing friends, lovers, sons, daughters and workmates to reconstruct the incentives in a client's life.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Therapist behavior as a predictor of black and white caregiver responsiveness in multisystemic therapy

How to get parents more engaged in becoming a positive influence over their seriously delinquent drug abusing teenagers through family therapy integrated in to a US juvenile drug court. Some of the therapist tactics expected to work did deepen engagement, others did not.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Monitoring and evaluation of family intervention services and projects between February 2007 and March 2011

Family interventions were at the heart of the UK government’s ambition to ‘turn round’ the lives of 120,000 troubled families in England. In respect of drink and drug problems, substantial remission was seen, but the featured study could not show whether this was due to the interventions, and a report on a successor programme found no significant impacts.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Treatment of adolescents with a cannabis use disorder: Main findings of a randomized controlled trial comparing multidimensional family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy in The Netherlands

US research led by the programme’s developers has found that a family therapy which intervenes across a child’s social environment is more effective than alternatives for problem substance using teenagers, but this independent Dutch study found one-to-one cognitive-behavioural therapy just as effective, a finding at odds with the five-nation European study of which it formed a part.

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