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Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell A3: Interventions; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies and reviews on the effectiveness of medical interventions and treatment in medical settings.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell E3: Treatment systems; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies on local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing medical interventions and treatment in medical settings. Includes discussions of what a good quality alcohol service would look like and whether the UK is making progress on systems for treating the overlap between substance use and mental health problems.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell E3: Treatment systems; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies relating to local, regional and national systems for effectively and cost-effectively providing medical interventions and treatment in medical settings. Highlights a simple innovation which transformed detoxification recyclers into typical patients, asks if you agree with an expert group’s vision of what a good quality service looks like, and questions whether Britain is making progress on organising care for mentally ill problem drug users.
Alcohol Matrix cell D3: Organisational functioning; Medical treatment
Selected studies and reviews on how treatment organisations affect the implementation and effectiveness of medical interventions and treatment in medical settings. Asks whether evidence-based innovation is always a good thing, and explores the evidence for and against integrating substance use treatment with medical or psychiatric care.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C3: Management/supervision; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies on the impact of management on medical interventions and treatment for problem drinking in medical settings. Asks how we can identify effective clinicians and effective medications, and highlights the remarkable transformation brought about in the 1950s at a US clinic which few referred patients attended and fewer still engaged with.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B3: Practitioners; Medical treatment
The most important seminal and key studies and reviews shedding light on the impact of the practitioner in medical interventions and treatment for alcohol problems in medical settings.
REVIEW 2019 HTM file
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of case management for substance use disorders: a recovery perspective
How does an intervention designed to enhance coordination and continuity of services, known as ‘case management’, compare to treatment as usual? Is there any evidence to suggest that it can directly or indirectly improve recovery outcomes?
HOT TOPIC 2020 HTM file
The complexity and challenge of ‘dual diagnosis’
One of our hot topics offering background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Whether to focus on mental health problems or substance use problem when the patient exhibits both is long-standing conundrum which still puzzles today’s treatment services. Arising with as many as three-quarters of the drug treatment caseload, deciding how to respond is a is a major issue.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Housing first for severely mentally ill homeless methadone patients
Homelessness is a significant obstacle to regular participation in methadone maintenance treatment, particularly among people leaving prison. This study in a major US city examines whether a ‘housing first’ programme could improve outcomes among this cohort.
STUDY 1962 HTM file
The abstinent alcoholic
Classic description of the patient who has sustained abstinence after treatment but is still unhappy, unfulfilled and/or nervously hanging on – in other words, not really ‘recovered’. They formed the majority of patients seen at Connecticut’s alcohol clinics in the 1950s who were not drinking at follow-up.
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