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HOT TOPIC 2018 HTM file
Acupuncture: potential value of a ‘theatrical placebo’
One of our selection of hot topics – important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Asks whether acupuncture helps treat substance use problems and, if it does, whether this is ‘just’ a placebo effect. Is there something valuable here which has not yet been proven to work, or is trying to find proof a dead end?
HOT TOPIC 2017 HTM file
The ‘explosion’ that never happened; crack and cocaine use in Britain
One of our hot topics – essays on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. In 1989 a whirlwind of concern was stirred up by a US drug enforcement officer who foresaw a US-style “explosion” of violence associated with the ‘almost instantly addictive’ crack version of cocaine in Britain. That did not happen – but what did, where do those claims stand today, and what of cocaine powder, for decades seen as the ‘champagne set’s’ favourite drug?
REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Does physical activity protect against drug abuse vulnerability?
Review assesses the evidence on whether physical exercise helps prevent or overcome drug use problems but finds it generally lacking or not sufficiently rigorous to answer these questions, despite some promising evidence in relation to overcoming dependence on tobacco and reasons to believe the physical changes induced by exercise would be protective.
STUDY 2014 HTM file
Relative efficacy of mindfulness-based relapse prevention, standard relapse prevention, and treatment as usual for substance use disorders: a randomized clinical trial
Promising signs – but from a single study at a single treatment agency – that integrating Buddhism-inspired mindfulness-based elements creates a more effective supplement to usual (in the US context) 12-step based aftercare than a purely cognitive behavioural approach, helping patients sustain gains from initial intensive treatment.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Review of treatment for cocaine dependence
This comprehensive review found strong evidence that some drugs can help treat cocaine dependence and that cognitive-behavioural therapy is a powerful tool to manage cravings and stresses, especially when allied with effective pharmacotherapies.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in alcohol dependence: a sham-controlled study
In India the brains of alcohol dependent patients were repeatedly stimulated using a magnetic coil held close to the front right part of the skull. The result was to further reduce their craving for alcohol compared to a similar but inactive procedure.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Auricular acupuncture as an adjunct to opiate detoxification treatment: effects on withdrawal symptoms
From south London, one of only a handful of randomised studies trialling acupuncture for opiate detoxification adds to the accretion of 'ineffective' verdicts, raising the question of why the treatment continues to be popular.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Acupuncture for alcohol dependence: a systematic review
An exhaustive multi-country and multi-language trawl for randomised trials of acupuncture in the treatment of alcohol dependence found just 11 studies which overall offered little support for any form of the therapy.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Traditional medicine in the treatment of drug addiction
A China-North America funding and authorship collaboration has assessed the evidence for the main traditional herbal remedies in addiction treatment, and made a new assessment of the role of acupuncture; generally, 'promising' was most positive verdict it could reach.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Mindfulness meditation for substance use disorders: a systematic review
Increasingly popular, variants of mindfulness meditation are among the ‘third wave’ of behavioural therapies allying Western and Eastern traditions. This first review of their application to addiction delivered a ‘promising but unproven’ verdict, one replicated in a later review based on more studies.
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