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REVIEW 2011 HTM file
A meta-analysis of the efficacy of nonphysician brief interventions for unhealthy alcohol use: implications for the patient-centered medical home
It works when the doctor does it, but what if the nurse or other primary care staff counsel risky drinking patients? It still works – maybe not as well, but perhaps more patients can be reached more cheaply.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
A brief alcohol intervention for hazardously drinking incarcerated women
Could just two motivational interviewing sessions moderate the drinking of very heavy drinking US women prisoners? The surprise was not that there were few benefits, but that there were some, especially after the reinforcing session usually conducted after the prisoners' release.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Brief intervention for drug-abusing adolescents in a school setting: outcomes and mediating factors
Aged 16 and smoking cannabis or drinking coming up to one day in three, US youngsters identified as substance users by their schools substantially cut back in response to just two motivational counselling sessions, and even more when a third session addressed the parents at home.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in hospitalized Taiwanese men
Even dependent drinkers among Taiwanese hospital patients substantially cut back their drinking after being identified and offered brief advice, findings from a study which provides one of the most convincing demonstrations yet that brief intervention can work in this setting.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Clinical outcomes of a brief motivational intervention for heavy drinking mandated college students: a pilot study
Is being caught and disciplined all it takes to get heavy drinkers who violate university drinking rules to cut back? According to this US study, the discipline process does work, but adding brief motivational-style advice makes a worthwhile extra impact.
The review which underpinned official UK guidance on alcohol education and advice in schools finds most programmes unsupported by adequate evidence and a dearth of analyses which would enable an assessment of whether the more successful programmes represent value for money.
DOCUMENT 2007 HTM file
Interventions in schools to prevent and reduce alcohol use among children and young people
Official guidance for England says alcohol education should be integral to national science and personal, social and health education curricula, but schools should go beyond this to develop a 'whole school' approach and partner with relevant non-education services and authorities.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Brief physician advice for heavy drinking college students: a randomized controlled trial in college health clinics
Can college health clinics do widespread screening and brief alcohol advice? Yes they can, is one conclusion of this first large-scale test conducted at five North American universities. The other main conclusion – that by doing so they make worthwhile reductions in drinking and related harm – is weakened by the small size of the impacts.
STUDY 1970 HTM file
Frontiers of alcoholism
Later to become founding director of the US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, in the late 1950s Dr Morris Chafetz of the Massachusetts General Hospital conducted a remarkable series of studies which proved that an alcohol clinic's intake and performance can be transformed by the simple application of empathy and organisation.
DOCUMENT 2013 HTM file
When confrontation was challenged
Focus is on a seminal study from motivational interviewing’s originator which more than any other heightened the profile of the therapist’s interpersonal style in substance use counselling, seeming to confirm that heavy drinkers react best to non-confrontational nudging rather than the more bludgeoning style typical of the time.
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