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STUDY 2012 HTM file
Alcohol screening and brief intervention in probation
The probation arm of the largest alcohol screening and brief intervention study yet conducted in Britain found that the proportion of offenders drinking at risky levels fell just as much after the most minimal of screening and intervention methods as after more sophisticated and longer (but still brief) alternatives.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Internet therapy versus internet self-help versus no treatment for problematic alcohol use: a randomized controlled trial
From the Netherlands, the first randomised controlled trial to evaluate internet-based therapy for problem drinking via text-chat conversations with a real therapist found this improved on an automated self-help option; on average alcohol intake was cut by nearly two-thirds.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Modeling the cost-effectiveness of health care systems for alcohol use disorders: how implementation of eHealth interventions improves cost-effectiveness
Computer simulation suggests that health would improve and/or costs be reduced if on-line brief interventions and therapy were added to or replaced conventional alcohol-related health care; these results for the Netherlands are based on a simulation model applicable as an aid to national policymaking in other countries.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Curbing alcohol use in male adults through computer generated personalized advice: randomized controlled trial
Spending just ten minutes each on a drinking feedback and advice web site is leading over 2000 heavy drinking Dutch men a year to reduce to safer levels was the implication of this randomised trial from the Netherlands.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Computer based alcohol interventions
Worth trying but unproven for the UK and the general population and need evaluating, was the message of this review for the health service in Scotland of computer-based alcohol interventions as possible ways to extend the reach of treatment and of the national brief intervention programme.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Effectiveness of e-self-help interventions for curbing adult problem drinking: a meta-analysis
This synthesis of nine relevant studies of non-student adult samples confirmed that computer-delivered self-help interventions offer a low-cost way to extend the public health impact of interventions for risky drinkers. Yet to be shown is that they can replace therapists for severely dependent individuals seeking treatment.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Summary of findings from two evaluations of Home Office alcohol arrest referral pilot schemes
UK government-funded pilot schemes found no crime reduction benefits from brief alcohol counselling for arrestees under the influence of drink, disappointing hopes that arrest referral would help quell late-night alcohol-related disorder. The schemes did however uncover many dependent drinkers.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
The forgotten carers: support for adult family members affected by a relative's drug problems
From national and local guidance, commissioners and services, a rounded picture of how much Britain knows about and responds to the needs of the relatives of problem drug users. Increasing recognition of needs has generally yet to be matched by systematic needs assessments or service provision.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Does implementation of clinical practice guidelines change nurses' screening for alcohol and other substance use?
Hospital nurses in Sydney in Australia were trained to implement a new screening and intervention policy aiming to upgrade the identification of hazardous drinkers and other substance users among medical and surgical inpatients. Disappointing results highlight the need to do more than inform and exhort if practice is to change.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A review of motivational interviewing-based interventions targeting problematic drinking among college students
Studies published in the mid-2000s confirm that counselling based on motivational interviewing helps heavy drinking US college students control their drinking and reduce related problems.
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