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REVIEW 2002 PDF file 1279Kb
Investing in alcohol treatment: brief interventions

Second instalment of the comprehensive review funded by Australia's health department examines brief talks to heavy drinkers identified at hospitals or in primary care. Do they work, and how can staff be encouraged to implement them?

OFFCUT 2002 PDF file 228Kb
Web-based support for staff dealing with alcohol problems in primary care

Information and support for GPs considering screening and brief intervention for heavy drinking patients.

STUDY 2002 PDF file 178Kb
Non-returners benefit from making initial alcohol treatment assessment into a brief intervention

In Canada a brief motivational intervention integrated into initial assessment substantially reduced drinking among drinkers who did not return for treatment, offering a fail-safe mechanism to cater for early drop-out.

REVIEW 2001 PDF file 749Kb
Investing in alcohol treatment: screening and assessment

This first instalment of an impressive Australian review of the drug and alcohol treatment literature starts with the basics – how to recognise there is a problem in the first place.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 187Kb
Emergency patients benefit from minimal alcohol intervention

Patients screened for alcohol problems in a Swedish emergency surgical ward responded well to a simple brief intervention delivered by ward staff; outcomes were not further improved by professional counselling.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 384Kb
Mailshot triggers reduced drinking among concerned problem drinkers

From Canada, the first study to find that using inexpensive mass communication methods to challenge false beliefs that most other people drink more can cut drinking among heavy drinkers, in this case only those already concerned about the risks.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 281Kb
Computerised feedback challenges belief that most drink more than me

Promising North American alcohol prevention programs exploit the interactivity of CD-ROMs or the internet to provide personalised feedback on (among other things) how the drinking of the the user compares to population norms.

STUDY 2001 PDF file 163Kb
How best to screen for alcohol problems

A test of the alcohol problem screening strategy recommended by an official US guide found it preferable to popular alternatives when applied to emergency department patients.

OFFCUT 2001 PDF file 170Kb
British web site offers feedback on drinking problems and program to help tackle them

Hosted by Alcohol Concern, the Down Your Drink web site offers an anonymous and accessible way for people concerned about their drinking to check whether they are at risk and to work through a program to reduce those risks.

LETTER 2000 PDF file 163Kb
If longer is better for drug users, why not for drinkers?

Correspondents explore why brief interventions are so prominent in the alcohol field yet not in the drugs field and ask whether the evidence supports this divide.

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