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STUDY 2000 PDF file 115Kb
Brief intervention leaves teenage drinkers less likely to revisit accident and emergency
A brief intervention intended to reducing harmful/risky drinking and tested on teenagers attending a US emergency unit after an alcohol-related incident substantially cut the number of alcohol-related injuries over the next six months.
REVIEW 2000 PDF file 104Kb
Injuries reduced even when interventions do not stop problem drinkers drinking
An unusually thorough attempt to garner all the available evidence leads to the tentative conclusion that interventions with problem drinkers can reduce injuries and deaths even when this is not the aim and when drinking itself seems unaffected.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 224Kb
Stepped care for drinkers yet to prove itself
The first evaluation of 'stepped care' for heavy drinkers found no added benefit from offering further treatment to those who did not respond to initial therapy, but the study was not a definitive refutation of this cost-saving approach.
REVIEW 1999 PDF file 841Kb
How brief can you get?
Three pioneering British studies dating back to the late '70s showed that alcohol problems could be reduced without intensive (and expensive) treatments. The implications were and remain immense, the controversy fierce.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 211Kb
GPs moderate risky drinking in elderly
The first study to test a brief primary care intervention on elderly heavy drinkers found that as a result the proportion drinking excessively fell by nearly 50% but increased by 15% in patients not given the intervention.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 223Kb
Students respond to brief alcohol intervention
High risk US students selected on the basis of their drinking at school cut their drinking at college in response to a brief face-to-face motivational interview with individualised risk assessments.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 209Kb
Advice and referral curb drinking in alcohol dependent hospital patients
In New York the serendipitous misapplication of a brief intervention to alcohol-dependent general hospital patients raised the possibility that they benefit as much from this as from referral to full-blown treatment.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 208Kb
Advice can be an effective alternative to using drugs to aid alcohol detoxification at home
UK study suggesting that shorter, drug-free interventions staffed by alcohol specialists may be an adequate and less expensive alternative to standard home detoxification.
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