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STUDY 2014 HTM file
A multisite randomized controlled trial of brief intervention to reduce drinking in the trauma care setting: how brief is brief?

US trauma centres dealing with serious and often alcohol-related injuries ought to offer an environment conducive to brief alcohol interventions, but this first multi-site trial found motivational counselling more effective than minimal advice only when combined with a follow-up ‘booster’ phone call.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Brief interventions to prevent recurrence and alcohol-related problems in young adults admitted to the emergency ward following an alcohol-related event: a systematic review

Analysis of the only four randomised trials of brief alcohol interventions among 18–24-years-olds seen at emergency departments after getting drunk tentatively suggested that booster sessions or later advice are needed to reduce drinking.

DOCUMENT 2009 HTM file
Screening and brief interventions (SBI) for unhealthy alcohol use: a step-by-step implementation guide for trauma centers

Based on research findings, a practical US government guide for trauma centres dealing with serious injuries on how to plan, implement and monitor a programme to identify risky drinking among their patients and to offer appropriate advice and referral.

STUDY 1993 HTM file
Enhancing motivation for change in problem drinking: a controlled comparison of two therapist styles

Seminal study that validated motivational interviewing’s empathic, client-centred style. It suggested that by not provoking resistance, the non-confrontational style mandated by motivational interviewing reduced drinking compared to the then more typical blunt and challenging approach.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Computer-delivered screening and brief intervention for alcohol use in pregnancy: a pilot randomized trial

A computer-delivered brief intervention plus booster mailings increased the alcohol abstinence rate and improved pregnancy outcomes among risky drinking pregnant women recruited at a US antenatal clinic, though in this small pilot trial the results were not statistically significant.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Effects of 21st birthday brief interventions on college student celebratory drinking: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Randomised trials of brief interventions sent by email or letter to moderate 21st birthday drinking by US college students collectively failed to show consequent reductions in amounts drunk at these events, though they may have modestly reduced risks by lowering peak blood alcohol levels.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
A comparison of the efficacy of brief interventions to reduce hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption between European and non-European countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Amalgamation of results from relevant studies finds that in high-income nations brief alcohol advice to emergency or primary care patients remains effective whether trials take place in European or non-European drinking cultures and health service contexts. Impacts were however small and may not be duplicated in routine practice.

REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Electronic interventions for alcohol misuse and alcohol use disorders: a systematic review

Computerisation promises to spread the consumption-moderating benefits of alcohol screening and brief advice or treatment across the population, overcoming resource and access limitations to in-person interventions, but small and transient effects may not be enough to mitigate the health and social consequences of drinking.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Efficacy of an online intervention to reduce alcohol-related risks among community college students

US students starting courses at community colleges drank less after being randomly allocated to an online alcohol risk-reduction programme but there were no effects on adverse consequences of drinking or on use of strategies to prevent these.

DOCUMENT 2015 HTM file
Alcohol-use disorders

Online flowcharts from the UK National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guide planners and practitioners dealing with alcohol use disorders through choices of strategies and interventions on prevention, brief interventions, alcohol treatment, and treatment of associated medical conditions.

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