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STUDY 2012 HTM file
Alcohol screening and brief intervention in primary health care
The primary health arm of the largest alcohol screening and brief intervention study yet conducted in Britain found that the proportion of risky drinkers fell just as much after the most minimal of screening and intervention methods as after more sophisticated and longer (but still brief) alternatives.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Clinical outcomes of a brief motivational intervention for heavy drinking mandated college students: a pilot study
Is being caught and disciplined all it takes to get heavy drinkers who violate university drinking rules to cut back? According to this US study, the discipline process does work, but adding brief motivational-style advice makes a worthwhile extra impact.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Randomized controlled trial of a brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use in hospitalized Taiwanese men
Even dependent drinkers among Taiwanese hospital patients substantially cut back their drinking after being identified and offered brief advice, findings from a study which provides one of the most convincing demonstrations yet that brief intervention can work in this setting.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Brief intervention for drug-abusing adolescents in a school setting: outcomes and mediating factors
Aged 16 and smoking cannabis or drinking coming up to one day in three, US youngsters identified as substance users by their schools substantially cut back in response to just two motivational counselling sessions, and even more when a third session addressed the parents at home.
Rare attempt at screening and brief intervention for actual or potential problems arising from illegal drug use among primary care patients suggests that screening itself reduces use levels and that further intervention might be worthwhile among high-risk populations.
Orchestrated by WHO, across all four countries this rare attempt at screening and brief intervention for problems arising from illegal drug use identified at front-line health care centres found modest reductions in use/risks, but there was a puzzling opposition between particularly positive results from Australia and seemingly negative ones from the USA.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
A brief alcohol intervention for hazardously drinking incarcerated women
Could just two motivational interviewing sessions moderate the drinking of very heavy drinking US women prisoners? The surprise was not that there were few benefits, but that there were some, especially after the reinforcing session usually conducted after the prisoners' release.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Alcohol screening and brief intervention in probation
The probation arm of the largest alcohol screening and brief intervention study yet conducted in Britain found that the proportion of offenders drinking at risky levels fell just as much after the most minimal of screening and intervention methods as after more sophisticated and longer (but still brief) alternatives.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Efficacy of brief alcohol screening intervention for college students (BASICS): a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Synthesis of randomised trials of one of the most widely implemented and studied approaches to heavy-drinking among college students finds it does reduce both drinking and related problems, but compared to what is unclear, and none of the individual trials was convincing.
STUDY 2014 HTM file
The effectiveness of alcohol screening and brief intervention in emergency departments: a multicentre pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial
‘Do just the minimum’ seems the message of the emergency department arm of the largest alcohol screening and brief intervention study yet conducted in Britain; the proportion of risky drinkers fell no less after a brief warning than after more sophisticated and longer interventions.
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