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HOT TOPIC 2018 HTM file
Computerised therapies: sacrificing effectiveness for wider access?

‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Among culturally accepted vehicles for delivering substance use interventions, computers, mobile phones and tablets are joining face-to-face work. Are we sacrificing effectiveness for convenience and economy?

STUDY 2006 PDF file 169Kb
Soup kitchen turned into therapeutic setting

A successful group therapy programme at a large New York soup kitchen shows that welfare services with high concentrations of problem substance users can be transformed from environments which impede recovery into ones which promote it.

REVIEW 2000 PDF file 140Kb
Attending AA: encourage but don't coerce

A synthesis of studies which tested Alcoholics Anonymous groups or AA-based residential programmes against formal/no treatment suggests outcomes are similar to other treatments when the drinker chooses these options. Coercion may be counterproductive.

Peer-based addiction recovery support: history, theory, practice, and scientific evaluation

This monograph is likely to become the handbook for the growing peer-based recovery movement in the UK. For administrators, the approaches it reviews offer a way to reconcile decreasing per-patient resources with a policy agenda now focused on reintegration and recovery.

REVIEW 2005 PDF file 826Kb
Self help: don't leave it to the patients

Keith Humphreys and colleagues report on a workgroup of US experts on substance abuse self-help organisations. Main conclusion: self-help groups are too valuable to leave to chance. They should be actively promoted and facilitated by treatment services and policymakers.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Changing network support for drinking: Network Support Project 2-year follow-up

Treatment services do not have to adopt, or ask patients to adopt, the belief system on which 12-step groups are founded in order to effectively encourage patients to tap in to the social support offered by these groups and improve their chances of sustained abstinence.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
The Alcohol Concern Smart Recovery Pilot Project final evaluation report

Austerity plus recovery plus curtailed treat equals more mutual aid is the formula for ways out of dependence in the post-credit crunch 2010s. But with only 12-step groups, the offer is limited. What will it take for a cognitive-behavioural alternative to flourish in England was the question for this pilot project.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Does active referral by a doctor or 12-step peer improve 12-step meeting attendance? Results from a pilot randomised control trial

In the context of current UK policy, this is a key study, testing the ambition to extend recovery beyond formal treatment by systematically linking patients to mutual aid groups, the main way it is being suggested commissioners can square the circle of doing more (recovery is seen as a whole-life transformation) with less.

REVIEW 2014 HTM file
Peer recovery support for individuals with substance use disorders: assessing the evidence

For such a widely implemented and widely supported adjunct to formal treatment, the revelation from this review is how little evidence there is for involving former problem substance users in promoting recovery from similar problems – a lack which may simply reflect the paucity of adequate research.

HOT TOPIC 2016 HTM file
The therapeutic potential of patients and clients

One of our hot topics offering background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. The recovery agenda emphasises the transformation of problem substance users into solutions to those problems through peer support and involvement in their own care – but perhaps at a deeper level, the patient or client has always been the author of their own recovery.

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