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REVIEW 2004 PDF file 909Kb
The power of the welcoming reminder

Part 1 of the Manners Matter series. In seemingly mundane tasks like reminding patients of appointments and checking how they are doing after they leave, individualised and welcoming communications characterise retention-enhancing services.

REVIEW 2005 PDF file 813Kb
The motivational hallo

Part 3 of the Manners Matter series investigates motivational interviewing, the most influential counselling style in addiction treatment. At first we couldn't believe what we'd found - but it really has worked best without a manual.

REVIEW 2006 PDF file 797Kb
My way or yours?

Do you bristle when someone else takes the lead or gladly take a back seat? In therapy too, directiveness matters, and in a surprisingly consistent way. Part 5 of the Manners Matter series unpicks the common thread from the literature.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Still hard to find reasons for matching patients to therapies

The UK Alcohol Treatment Trial has confounded expectations that a motivational approach would be preferable for unmotivated or hostile patients, while supportive social networks would be particularly important for patients lacking these to begin with.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Style not content key to matching patients to therapeutic approaches

Analysis of videoed therapy sessions from a Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial clinic showed that whether therapists appropriately adjusted their interpersonal style to the patient mattered more than which therapy they practised.

STUDY 2005 PDF file 104Kb
Phone reminders cut 'no shows' by nearly two-thirds

By introducing a phoned reminder, an alcohol treatment clinic in Liverpool cut by nearly two-thirds the number of patients who simply failed to turn up for assessment, avoiding wastage of staff time due to missed appointments.

NOTES 2002 PDF file 166Kb
Residential versus non-residential treatment

Notes on whether and for whom residential care improves on (generally intensive) non-residential alternatives.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Initial preference for drinking goal in the treatment of alcohol problems: II. Treatment outcomes

Data from Britain's largest alcohol treatment trial is used to address possibly the most contentious issue in the field – whether services should offer moderation as well as abstinence goals to dependent clients. 'Let the patient choose' seems the general conclusion.

STUDY 2006 PDF file 171Kb
Matching resources to needs is key to achieving 'wrap-around' care objectives

Linking treatment intake assessments to a computerised guide to local welfare and medical services transformed the assessments from redundant paperwork into a practical route to the reintegration services being advocated in Britain – and treatment completion rates doubled.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
An in-depth survey of the screening and assessment practices of highly regarded adolescent substance abuse treatment programs

US substance use treatment programmes for adolescents which had been recommended by experts were nevertheless highly variable and inconsistent in the quality of their screening and assessment of the substance use, family circumstances and mental health of their patients.

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