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Focus on women
‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. How do women’s substance use problems, needs and outcomes differ from those of men? Marking International Women’s Day 2020, this collection search mainly retrieves treatment research but includes some prevention analyses.
REVIEW 2016 HTM file
Systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic alcohol use in men who have sex with men
With an ‘alarmingly scarce’ evidence base to go on, the researchers draw parallels with the broader alcohol treatment literature, finding some support for interventions with motivational components among cohorts of gay and bisexual men, for whom heavy drinking is associated with more severe and chronic consequences.
REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Substance abuse treatment for women offenders: a research review
A major contributing factor to women being incarcerated and a critical factor in women’s reoffending, this review addresses the substance use treatment needs of female offenders and gender-specific interventions.
REVIEW 2017 HTM file
A systematic review of interventions to reduce problematic substance use among transgender individuals: a call to action
Part review, part ‘call to action’, the featured paper highlights the lack of awareness of evidence-based interventions for transgender people, and advocates for ‘culturally-sensitive’ approaches embedded in both general and specialised substance use programmes.
STUDY 2001 PDF file 97Kb
General practices can be trained to help families cope with drinkers and drugtakers
A UK pilot study demonstrated the feasibility and effectiveness of a treatment package to relieve stress and improve coping among primary care patients affected by problem drug and alcohol use in the family, but few practices implemented the intervention.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Final report on the evaluation of ‘Option 2’
This evaluation of an intensive child protection service for children with substance misusing parents was the first in Britain to recruit an adequate comparison sample, a vital step in assessing effectiveness. Main finding was reduced need for long-term removal from the home.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Integrated substance abuse and child welfare services for women: a progress review
This US-focused review calls for parents with substance use problems in the child welfare system to receive integrated services which comprehensively assess health and social problems and systematically match needs to problems in the context of a positive client-provider relationship.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
12-month follow-up after brief interventions in primary care for family members affected by the substance misuse problem of a close relative
In England a brief primary care counselling programme for family members living with a relative with substance use problems unusually aims primarily to improve the family's lives and coping rather than that of the substance user. Even a year later it seems to have succeeded, and the improvements accumulated rather than faded.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
The forgotten carers: support for adult family members affected by a relative's drug problems
From national and local guidance, commissioners and services, a rounded picture of how much Britain knows about and responds to the needs of the relatives of problem drug users. Increasing recognition of needs has generally yet to be matched by systematic needs assessments or service provision.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues: a systematic review of studies reporting on parenting outcomes
The first systematic review of whether integrated substance use/parenting programmes improve the parenting of problem substance using mothers found remarkably few quality studies, but enough to suggest that such programmes can improve the prospects of often highly at-risk children.
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