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STUDY 2012 HTM file
An evaluation of the Option 2 intensive family preservation service

In Wales Option 2 works intensively over a few weeks with substance using parents whose children are at serious risk – serious enough for imminent care proceedings. This second evaluation confirmed that the cost-saving service helps keep children with their families without inadvertently harming the children.

Alcohol and families

‘Collections’ are customised Effectiveness Bank searches not available via the standard options in the search pages. Constructed for Alcohol Awareness Week 2017 on the theme of ‘Alcohol and Families’, this collection includes both major roles for the families of problem drinkers – as recipients of support and therapy to promote their own welfare, and as therapeutic agents engaged in promoting the drinker’s welfare.

REVIEW 2014 HTM file
Alcohol interventions, alcohol policy and intimate partner violence: a systematic review

What constitutes ‘alcohol-related’ domestic abuse, and to what extent can interventions designed to reduce the harms of alcohol also reduce domestic abuse?

REVIEW 2006 PDF file 1464Kb
Motivational arm twisting: contradiction in terms?

Part 4 of the Manners Matter series asks whether motivational interviewing can overcome the hostile prison environment and the distrust of youngsters, drink drivers and other offenders pressured into counselling by the criminal justice system.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Evidence-based practice? The National Probation Service's work with alcohol-misusing offenders

This report on work in England and Wales describes a system creatively grappling with a huge drink problem among offenders, but one undermined by lack of evidence about what works and by under-resourcing linked to a dispute over whether health or probation should bear the core funding burden.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Alcohol services in prisons: an unmet need

Prison inspections and surveys of prisoners and staff in England reveal a "depressing picture" of "very limited" services for problem drinking inmates, which leave them with poor prospects on release.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems

What does the Scottish Prison Service need to do to adequately address alcohol problems among inmates? This needs assessment funded by the Scottish Government assesses the size of the problem, identifies the gaps, and recommends ways to plug them based on a review of relevant research.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
The impact and delivery of alcohol treatment requirements in the Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust area

In the English Midlands, problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts had a worse prognosis than comparable previous offenders but slightly fewer reoffended; also their drinking was reduced but for many remained excessive.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Evaluation of the alcohol treatment requirement in five sites across the Lancashire probation area

In Lancashire in northern England, problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts dramatically cut their drinking and offending and experienced improved health and wellbeing.

STUDY 2011 HTM file
Delivering the Alcohol Treatment Requirement: assessing the outcomes and impact of coercive treatment for alcohol misuse

In one English district, most of the problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts stopped drinking or successfully cut back.

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