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Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C4: Management/supervision; Psychosocial therapies
Seminal and key studies on management and supervision in psychosocial therapies. Focus is on evidence of the need for post-training ‘coaching’ and for letting therapists know how their clients are doing – especially when they are doing badly.
IN PRACTICE 2000 PDF file 414Kb
Gone but not forgotten
Two small British alcohol projects overcame the obstacles and tested their performance against the bottom line - what happens to clients when they leave. Their experience is a challenge to others; it can be done, so why do so few agencies do it?
OFFCUT 2002 PDF file 239Kb
Remarkable confluence of views with profound implications for treatment
Leading US researchers argue that if addiction is a chronic condition (because the individual or the environment is difficult to change), then care should be spread thinly and extensively and assessed in terms of change during not after treatment.
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