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REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Cohesion in group therapy
This meta-analytic review commissioned by the American Psychological Association suggests that fostering cohesion between leaders and groups, and within groups, is often an important way to improve group therapy outcomes. Practice recommendations will help group leaders make the most of this common substance use treatment format.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Specialist drug and alcohol services for young people – a cost benefit analysis
Study published by UK government estimates that every £1 spent on specialist substance misuse treatment for under-18s in Britain averts social costs totalling £4.66–£8.38.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Early treatment for women with alcohol addiction (EWA) reduces mortality: a randomized controlled trial with long-term register follow-up
Compared to usual treatment, over the next 27 years introduction of a comprehensively serviced female-only alcohol treatment unit in Sweden substantially extended the lives of its patients – a uniquely convincing demonstration that improving treatment can save lives.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Shared decision-making: increases autonomy in substance-dependent patients
An innovative Dutch study tested a way of involving substance users as equals in decisions over issues addressed in their treatment. The effect was to give these typically submissive personalities a greater sense of control over their lives. Just as influential was the lead offered by the clinician's personality.
STUDY 2011 HTM file and Moderation Management: outcomes of a randomized clinical trial with non-dependent problem drinkers
Does it help to add a structured internet-based therapeutic programme to web access to a mutual aid network also geared to moderate drinking? Sustained extra moderation in the form of fewer days drinking was the clearest positive effect; less clear was whether it led to greater reductions in drink-related problems.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Reducing the impact of alcohol-related harm to Londoners – how well are we doing?
Seven years after the first alcohol harm reduction strategy for England, this audit finds treatment access and brief intervention work has progressed in London but funding is often precarious and GP services are surprisingly under-developed.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
The impact and delivery of alcohol treatment requirements in the Leicestershire and Rutland Probation Trust area
In the English Midlands, problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts had a worse prognosis than comparable previous offenders but slightly fewer reoffended; also their drinking was reduced but for many remained excessive.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Delivering the Alcohol Treatment Requirement: assessing the outcomes and impact of coercive treatment for alcohol misuse
In one English district, most of the problem-drinking offenders who agreed to be ordered in to alcohol treatment by the courts stopped drinking or successfully cut back.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Derbyshire's Alcohol Diversion Scheme evaluation
Enticed by a halving in their fines, young 'binge' drinkers in northern England penalised for alcohol-related nuisance undertook a brief course which was followed by substantial reductions in drinking and alcohol-related problems. The fines they did pay financed the courses.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Therapist effectiveness: implications for accountability and patient care
1 in 6 US therapists (mainly not specialising in substance use) typically ended up with clients whose substance use problems were significantly worse than when they started therapy, an indication perhaps that social workers and mental health counsellors find these issues especially hard to deal with.
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