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REVIEW 2011 HTM file
The efficacy of disulfiram for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
Given effective supervision from family or clinicians to help ensure patients keep taking the tablets, this first systematic synthesis of research finds that on average the drug disulfiram, which produces an unpleasant physical reaction to drinking, does act as an aid to abstinence in the treatment of alcohol dependence.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Medical treatment of alcohol dependence: a systematic review
With from 2011 naltrexone licensed for this purpose, Britain now has the full suite of major medications authorised for the treatment of alcohol dependence. Largely from a primary care perspective, this US review examines a half century of evidence for whether these and other drugs aid recovery and which work best.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
South East Alcohol Innovation Programme: evaluation report
In the south east of England a bidding exercise spawned a spate of short-term innovative projects to reduce alcohol-related harm, from which five models were assessed as most promising and taken forward for further implementation and assessment the following year – a rapid and intensive test bed from which others can learn as well.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
A policy-oriented review of strategies for improving the outcomes of services for substance use disorder patients
Improving performance of substance use disorder treatment systems is no easy matter and one prone to unintended consequences. All the more welcome then is guidance from leading US experts with top-level experience in the UK and the USA; their favourite tactic, rewarding services for patient progress during treatment, is featured in UK payment-by-results schemes.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Performance-based contracting within a state substance abuse treatment system: a preliminary exploration of differences in client access and client outcomes
In 2007–08 the US state of Maine introduced a new scheme directly linking funding for outpatient treatment services to performance in terms of waiting times and retention, but financial and service delivery impacts were negligible. Were the incentives too weak, or were services already doing as well as they could?
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people: 2010–11
England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse documents trends in England towards quicker and more often successful treatment of children aged under 18 with alcohol or drug problems, while numbers have fallen in line with developments among the general population and among young adults in treatment.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Motivational interviewing for substance abuse
Across the most rigorous studies, this synthesis of the research finds therapies based on motivational interviewing better than doing nothing, but no more effective than usual/other treatments for problem drinkers and drugtakers – powerful further support for the 'Dodo bird' verdict that all bona fide therapies are equivalent.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis, assessment and management of harmful drinking and alcohol dependence
This impressive assessment of what evaluation research means for alcohol dependence treatment in Britain is distinguished by reviews of the latest literature on the sub-topics it covers; in some cases these starkly reveal the inadequacies of the evidence base.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Monitoring and evaluation of family intervention services and projects between February 2007 and March 2011
Family interventions were at the heart of the UK government’s ambition to ‘turn round’ the lives of 120,000 troubled families in England. In respect of drink and drug problems, substantial remission was seen, but the featured study could not show whether this was due to the interventions, and a report on a successor programme found no significant impacts.
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Psychosis with coexisting substance misuse: assessment and management in adults and young people
Psychosis plus harmful substance use is a toxic mixture which worsens the prospects of recovery from mental illness. How should it be dealt with, and what are the respective roles of mental health and substance use services? This UK guideline developed by an expert group has some of the answers.
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