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REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Pathways to employment in London: A guide for drug and alcohol services
Recommendations for British drug and alcohol services on how to help their clients gain employment based on field research and review of the literature in substance misuse and related sectors.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in alcohol dependence: a sham-controlled study
In India the brains of alcohol dependent patients were repeatedly stimulated using a magnetic coil held close to the front right part of the skull. The result was to further reduce their craving for alcohol compared to a similar but inactive procedure.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Alcohol services in prisons: an unmet need
Prison inspections and surveys of prisoners and staff in England reveal a "depressing picture" of "very limited" services for problem drinking inmates, which leave them with poor prospects on release.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Project SUCCESS' effects on the substance use of alternative high school students
In what is becoming a pattern, this rigorous, real-world test of a prevention programme conducted by an independent researcher rather than the developer failed to replicate earlier positive results – in this case, in respect of an education/counselling programme for US teenagers diverted from mainstream schooling.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Cost-effectiveness of family-based substance abuse treatment
For suitable patients, family-based therapies are among the most effective – but are they the most cost-effective? Not always finds this US-focused review, which argues that to compete in today's financially sensitive health care system, treatments must deliver the most clinical outcomes per unit of cost.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
The Alcohol Concern Smart Recovery Pilot Project final evaluation report
Austerity plus recovery plus curtailed treat equals more mutual aid is the formula for ways out of dependence in the post-credit crunch 2010s. But with only 12-step groups, the offer is limited. What will it take for a cognitive-behavioural alternative to flourish in England was the question for this pilot project.
DOCUMENT 2010 HTM file
Alcohol in our lives: curbing the harm
Extensive policy report from New Zealand accepts evidence that alcohol-related harm is best reduced by population level measures, including raising prices, licensing reform with harm reduction as its prime objective, and restricting the availability of alcohol through reduced opening hours, age limits and curbs on promotion.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Efficacy of physician-delivered brief counseling intervention for binge drinkers
In Madrid, unusually a primary care brief alcohol intervention targeted heavy episodic or 'binge' drinking. The result was drinking reductions which probably saved lives due to less drunkenness and less drinking overall – and both screening and intervention were done by the doctors themselves, not specialist staff.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Computer-delivered interventions for alcohol and tobacco use: a meta-analysis
Computer-based and in particular internet-based therapies open doors to treatment for drinkers who cannot get or do not want face-to-face-help. This review finds they do curb drinking, but its sub-finding that they are as effective as alternative therapies should not be taken to mean computers can replace therapists.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
Methodological assessment of economic evaluations of alcohol treatment: what is missing?
If alcohol treatment is to compete for scarce healthcare resources, studies must adopt the same yardsticks of success as are used for healthcare interventions contends this team of UK-based health economists; prime amongst these are quality of life measures.
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