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STUDY 2005 PDF file 180Kb
Aftercare calls suit less relapse-prone patients

An intensive US outpatient programme found that for less relapse-prone patients, a flexible aftercare regime mixing initial support groups with regular phone calls was at least as effective as entirely face-to-face contact, yet far less time-consuming.

STUDY 2005 HTM file
How does motivational interviewing work? Therapist skill predicts client involvement within motivational interviewing sessions

Analysis of counselling session recordings from therapists trained in motivational interviewing suggests that the important quality of seeming 'genuine' can suffer if training mandates unnaturally withholding normal responses; however, departing from these tenets is risky unless done by a socially skilled therapist.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 909Kb
The power of the welcoming reminder

Part 1 of the Manners Matter series. In seemingly mundane tasks like reminding patients of appointments and checking how they are doing after they leave, individualised and welcoming communications characterise retention-enhancing services.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 166Kb
Dual diagnosis add-on to mental health services improves outcomes

A unique British study has found that treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients benefit from additional integrated substance use/mental health therapy, which may also save costs by reducing the need for inpatient care.

REVIEW 2004 PDF file 967Kb
Take the network into treatment

Distinguished US authors summarise the evidence for a new direction in the treatment of substance abuse problems - harnessing friends, lovers, sons, daughters and workmates to reconstruct the incentives in a client's life.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 129Kb
Working with couples helps client and family

The latest in what experts have called an "impressive" series of studies systematically involving a patient's partner in their treatment for substance dependence found that the benefits extended to naltrexone treatment of opiate dependence.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 87Kb
First British study to tackle excessive drinking by methadone patients

English clinic challenged assumptions by patients and staff that excessive drinking was not a priority for patients dependent on opiates. A short programme of motivational interviewing, plus detox when needed, led many to curb their drinking.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 115Kb
Clues on to how to match clients to therapeutic styles

Convergent clues to how to match clients to therapist styles have emerged from research at a Philadelphia counselling service seeing poor black cocaine users and from an offshoot of Project MATCH involving mainly white, employed dependent drinkers.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 99Kb
How to transform a poor aftercare attendance record into an excellent one

Through a series of inexpensive or cost-free initiatives each building on the other, researchers at the US Salem Veterans Affairs medical centre transformed its aftercare attendance record and improved substance use outcomes.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 153Kb
Naltrexone helps GPs and practice nurses manage alcohol dependence

Further indications that naltrexone can aid the treatment of dependent drinkers in primary care settings have come from a US trial which tested the efficacy of the drug allied with the kind of consultations normally undertaken by GPs and practice nurses.

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