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REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Congruence/genuineness: a meta-analysis
Research findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that in the (mainly Western) cultures where these studies have been done, outcomes improve the more therapists are seen as genuine by their clients and relating to them human to human rather than as an authority figure.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
A meta-analysis of the association between patients’ early treatment outcome expectation and their posttreatment outcomes
Review commissioned by the American Psychological Association found that clients who start psychotherapy expecting good outcomes tend actually to have better outcomes than other clients, raising the issue of whether therapists should regularly assess expectations and if needed take steps to enhance them.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Therapist empathy and client outcome: an updated meta-analysis
Review commissioned by the American Psychological Association finds that the more therapists empathically communicate their understanding of and compassion for clients, the better the outcomes. Recommendations will help counsellors, therapists, trainers and supervisors foster this important foundation for therapist–client relationships.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Positive regard and psychotherapy outcome: a meta-analytic review
Findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that across psychotherapy studies, outcomes improve the more therapists consistently demonstrate warmth and high regard for their clients – given the stigma and low regard attached to dependent substance use(rs), findings with important implications for promoting recovery.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Meta-analyses of the relation of goal consensus and collaboration to psychotherapy outcome
Research findings amalgamated for the American Psychological Association show that outcomes are substantially better the more clients and therapists agree on goals and methods and form collaborative working relationships to implement those agreements. The findings support engaging patients as partners in setting treatment goals and methods.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Psychotherapy relationships that work III
Research findings amalgamated in 16 reviews for an American Psychological Association task force led them to authoritatively assess many dimensions of the client–psychotherapist relationship as important determinants of patients’ progress. “The relationship can heal,” is the overall conclusion – one likely to be highly relevant to recovery from addiction.
REVIEW 2018 HTM file
Doing time on a TC: how effective are drug-free therapeutic communities in prison? A review of the literature
Evidence gathered over the last decade affirms the greater effectiveness of therapeutic communities in prison versus other treatment models, and highlights improved recidivism and drug use outcomes when the prison regimen is reinforced by community aftercare on release.
STUDY 2018 HTM file
Remote alcohol monitoring to facilitate incentive-based treatment for alcohol use disorder: a randomized trial
Can new digital technologies do anything to boost the ‘limited, yet promising’ evidence base for incentivising abstinence among people with alcohol use disorders?
STUDY 2018 HTM file
Adult substance misuse statistics from the National Drug Treatment Monitoring System (NDTMS) 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017
The annual accounting of the treatment caseload in England registers a continuing fall in total numbers and decreasing success with opiate users, while success with drinkers has increased and has for the last few years remained relatively high and stable. An ageing population of opiate users is the proposed explanation for the former trend – but why hasn’t a similarly ageing alcohol caseload also eroded success rates?
HOT TOPIC 2017 HTM file
Substance use treatment as part of a ‘wrap-around’ package of care
One of our hot topic essays on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Asks whether supplementing addiction treatment with ‘wrap-around’ services is a distraction, or part of the core business of sustainably overcoming addiction. What’s for sure is that mental health, social and material resources, and the wherewithal for social inclusion, are all often lacking in addiction treatment caseloads; but does addressing these promote recovery?
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