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IN PRACTICE 1999 PDF file 292Kb
Are we right to spend more?
Commissioners in London wanted to know if they were getting value for money from extending residential and day care stays for substance dependent clients. To find out they trialed the Christo Inventory, a new quick and simple monitoring tool.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 175Kb
US study establishes optimal durations for drug detoxification and rehabilitation
A new computerised network which tracked clients across the Boston treatment system revealed cut-off points beyond which greater retention in residential or outpatient treatment was not associated with higher rates of treatment completion.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 1044Kb
NTORS: the most crucial test yet for addiction treatment in Britain
FINDINGS analysis of the influential national English drug treatment evaluation study questions the key estimate that every extra £1 spent on treatment saved over £3 in the costs of crime alone.
STUDY 1999 PDF file 216Kb
Cost effectiveness of alcohol treatment improved by cutting inpatient stays
This well designed British study showed that outcomes need not suffer when inpatient stays for alcohol treatment are more than halved (but treatment intensity is maintained), with consequent improvements in cost-effectiveness.
STUDY 1981 HTM file
Interpersonal functioning of alcoholism counselors and treatment outcome
Seminal US study which found that the therapy-related social skills of alcohol counsellors were strongly related to how many of their patients relapsed in the two years after leaving inpatient treatment.
STUDY 1957 HTM file
A study of three types of group psychotherapy with hospitalized male inebriates
Early US study uncovered for the Alcohol Treatment Matrix found a Rogerian client-centred therapy characterised by non-directive, empathic listening beneficially changed self-perceptions of alcohol-dependent patients and reduced relapse compared to approaches based on learning theory or psychoanalysis.
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