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STUDY 2005 HTM file
How does motivational interviewing work? Therapist skill predicts client involvement within motivational interviewing sessions

Analysis of counselling session recordings from therapists trained in motivational interviewing suggests that the important quality of seeming 'genuine' can suffer if training mandates unnaturally withholding normal responses; however, departing from these tenets is risky unless done by a socially skilled therapist.

REVIEW 2005 HTM file
Effectiveness of workshop training for psychosocial addiction treatments: a systematic review

Concludes that retaining psychosocial therapy skills after the popular workshop training format requires follow-up consultation, supervision or feedback. Rather than simply ‘ticking the box’ by sending staff to one-off workshops, the implication is that services must invest much more to be confident the investment has paid off for clients.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 166Kb
Dual diagnosis add-on to mental health services improves outcomes

A unique British study has found that treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients benefit from additional integrated substance use/mental health therapy, which may also save costs by reducing the need for inpatient care.

STUDY 2004 PDF file 87Kb
First British study to tackle excessive drinking by methadone patients

English clinic challenged assumptions by patients and staff that excessive drinking was not a priority for patients dependent on opiates. A short programme of motivational interviewing, plus detox when needed, led many to curb their drinking.

STUDY 2004 HTM file
An evaluation of workshop training in motivational interviewing for addiction and mental health clinicians

US study suggests that when it comes to choosing therapists, choosing the 'right' people who have not been trained in motivational interviewing would be better than choosing the 'wrong' people who have been trained; the former not only start at a higher level, but are more able to benefit from and retain training.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 193Kb
Addressing heavy drinking by needle exchange users could reduce infection risk

Under two hours of risk assessment and motivational sessions cut heavy drinking and equipment sharing among exchange attenders, offering a way to further reduce the risks of overdose, viral infection and the aggravation of pre-existing hepatitis disease.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 134Kb
Motivational interviews as a standalone or treatment-entry response to stimulant use

US and Australian findings suggest that short motivational interventions can both reinforce stimulant-specific treatment and usefully address stimulant use in settings such as needle exchanges and methadone programmes.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 180Kb
Alcohol counselling: try brief therapy first

This Australian study of a drug and alcohol counselling service extended work on brief alcohol interventions to a non-medical setting, confirming their potential as a first-line response to less severely affected treatment-seeking clients.

STUDY 2003 PDF file 110Kb
Initial motivational session improves alcohol treatment retention and outcomes

At a US outpatient alcohol service an initial motivational interview was more effective than 'role induction' (informing the patient about the treatment) at encouraging new clients to stay longer and to gain more from the treatment which followed.

OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 259Kb
Leading Australian treatment centre distills its experience in to practical guides

The Turning Point Centre has to date produced nine manuals distilling its considerable research and practice experience on among other topics, psychosocial therapies, harm reduction, managing withdrawal, and aftercare.

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