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STUDY 2006 PDF file 170Kb
Naltrexone aids primary care alcohol treatment
Findings from the large-scale US COMBINE study add to accumulating evidence that the drug naltrexone is a valuable therapeutic enhancement for the kind of dependent drinkers and the kind of treatments suited to primary care settings.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Counselor motivational interviewing skills and young adult change talk articulation during brief motivational interventions
In the study of Swiss army conscripts, reflective listening emerged as possibly the key active ingredient in a brief alcohol intervention based on motivational interviewing.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Review of treatment for cocaine dependence
This comprehensive review found strong evidence that some drugs can help treat cocaine dependence and that cognitive-behavioural therapy is a powerful tool to manage cravings and stresses, especially when allied with effective pharmacotherapies.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Secondary prevention of hazardous alcohol consumption in psychiatric out-patients: a randomised controlled study
Set in Sweden, the first study among psychiatric outpatients to test brief alcohol interventions against screening alone found worthwhile extra drinking reductions after brief motivational advice. Use of a telephone-based intervention was another innovation.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Translating effective web-based self-help for problem drinking into the real world
Combining a randomised trial with a 'real-world' test, studies of the Dutch Drinking Less programme have gone further than any others to establish the beneficial impacts of web-based alcohol self-help interventions.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 169Kb
Soup kitchen turned into therapeutic setting
A successful group therapy programme at a large New York soup kitchen shows that welfare services with high concentrations of problem substance users can be transformed from environments which impede recovery into ones which promote it.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 164Kb
UK trial bolsters case for well-supervised alcohol therapy
This major British trial found that an alcohol dependence therapy designed to improve on short motivational approaches led to no greater benefits for patients or cost-savings for society. Instead the study has been used to argue that alcohol treatment overall saves money.
STUDY 2006 PDF file 172Kb
Adjust therapist directiveness to client resistance
Persuasive evidence from the US Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial that a non-directive therapeutic style suits clients prone anger or defensiveness or who like to take control, and more structured and directive approaches suit those who welcome being given a lead.
REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing: twenty-five years of empirical studies
Better than 'treatment as usual' but not than other specific therapies are the headlines from the most comprehensive synthesis of motivational interviewing studies to date. Along the way are insights in to the equivocal value of manuals and of feeding back assessment results to patients.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Initial preference for drinking goal in the treatment of alcohol problems: II. Treatment outcomes
Data from Britain's largest alcohol treatment trial is used to address possibly the most contentious issue in the field – whether services should offer moderation as well as abstinence goals to dependent clients. 'Let the patient choose' seems the general conclusion.
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