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STUDY 2008 HTM file
Coping skills training and contingency management treatments for marijuana dependence: exploring mechanisms of behavior change
Rare glimpse 'under the hood' of contingency management suggests that unless the patient sees themselves as having actively mastered their dependence and has developed anti-relapse strategies, effects of rewarding abstinence will be short-lived.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Dismantling motivational interviewing and feedback for college drinkers: a randomized clinical trial
Brief interventions based on motivational interviewing typically incorporate feedback on the individual's risk and use level compared to the norm, but does this really help? A US college study found it did, the combination leading to greater drinking reductions than either on its own.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Evaluation of a telephone-based stepped care intervention for alcohol-related disorders: a randomized controlled trial
This German study saved valuable counselling time by only offering further advice to primary care patients who had not yet responded to brief computerised feedback on their risky drinking.
STUDY 2004 PDF file 181Kb
Family check-up builds on teachers' abilities to identify problem pupils
Using teachers' ratings to target the families of high-risk pupils, a US study has shown that a few hours spent improving parental monitoring and response to childrens' behaviour can lead two years later to reductions in substance use.
STUDY 2004 PDF file 165Kb
Check how your former patients are doing
In Chicago a simple quarterly check up on how former patients were doing doubled the number of relapsers who returned to treatment and hastened their return, in the end cutting the numbers still in need of help.
STUDY 2004 PDF file 166Kb
Dual diagnosis add-on to mental health services improves outcomes
A unique British study has found that treatment-resistant schizophrenic patients benefit from additional integrated substance use/mental health therapy, which may also save costs by reducing the need for inpatient care.
OFFCUT 2003 PDF file 259Kb
Leading Australian treatment centre distills its experience in to practical guides
The Turning Point Centre has to date produced nine manuals distilling its considerable research and practice experience on among other topics, psychosocial therapies, harm reduction, managing withdrawal, and aftercare.
STUDY 2007 HTM file
The impact of screening, brief intervention, and referral for treatment on emergency department patients' alcohol use
Just a few minutes with specially hired screening and intervention staff can make a difference to emergency patients' drinking, but in the real world the hospital's own staff will usually do this work. A US study tested this real-world scenario and still found (modest) drinking reductions.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Screening, brief interventions, referral to treatment (SBIRT) for illicit drug and alcohol use at multiple healthcare sites: comparison at intake and 6 months later
This huge US study set out to test whether widespread screening and brief intervention for illegal drug use (not just heavy drinking) could be implemented in a variety of general medical settings and whether it was effective. Both tests seem to have been passed, but with some important caveats.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Network support for drinking: an application of multiple groups growth mixture modeling to examine client-treatment matching
Reanalysis of the huge US Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial confirms that patients with pro-drinking social circles gained greater remission in drink problems when 'matched' to a therapy focused on generating a social circle (in the form of AA) with the opposite characteristics.
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