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REVIEW 2009 HTM file
A preliminary study of the population-adjusted effectiveness of substance abuse prevention programming: towards making IOM program types comparable
One of the biggest strategic decisions facing prevention planners is whether to target high-risk groups or to prioritise universal programmes. This analysis won't decide the issue, but it does create an important new tool for comparing these strategies.
STUDY 2005 PDF file 113Kb
Lasting benefits nine years after a brief alcohol intervention
A unique study from Norway discerned lasting benefits from a brief alcohol intervention nine years after risky drinkers had been identified during mass screening for heart disease and other medical risk factors.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Drug and alcohol services in Scotland
Scotland's national audit body assesses value for money from drug and alcohol services. It found systems poorly informed by the problems to be addressed and what works in addressing them, and in respect of drugs, unclear about what 'value' consists of.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Effects of beverage alcohol price and tax levels on drinking: a meta-analysis of 1003 estimates from 112 studies
As the UK considers minimum price policies, from an analysis of 112 studies comes the most reliable indication yet that raising the price of alcohol strongly reduces alcohol consumption, including rates of heavy drinking.
REVIEW 2009 HTM file
Curbing problem drinking with personalized-feedback interventions: a meta-analysis
Synthesis of randomised trials finds worthwhile reductions in drinking after college students and others are simply very briefly informed how their drinking compares to population norms.
REVIEW 2008 HTM file
Alcohol misuse: tackling the UK epidemic
Report from Britain's trade union and professional association for doctors reviewing the extent and consequences of problem drinking in the UK and making recommendations for government action and evidence-based policies.
REVIEW 2007 HTM file
Using correlational evidence to select youth for prevention programming
Is it best to focus prevention efforts on youngsters most likely to use substances - or will that miss out many future users who could have benefited from these efforts? This well informed and clear analysis concludes that we just can't predict well enough to risk leaving some youngsters out.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Reducing alcohol harm: health services in England for alcohol misuse
Official audit of work by the Department of Health and NHS to address the health effects of alcohol misuse. Describes a system whose infrastructure is clearly inadequate compared to the size of the task, but one recently taking steps in the right direction.
STUDY 2008 HTM file
Universal screening for alcohol problems in primary care fails in Denmark and no longer on UK agenda
Negative findings from a Danish attempt to implement the primary care screening and brief intervention protocol for heavy drinkers which emerged from World Health Organization trials suggest it was right for the UK to turn away from universal screening.
REVIEW 2000 PDF file 108Kb
Not just for the patients: community health and safety benefit from alcohol treatment
A review by two leading researchers convincingly argues that treating heavy drinkers not only helps the patients but also reduces the overall level of alcohol-related problems across a community, particularly the burden of liver disease.
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