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REVIEW 2015 HTM file
Prevention of addictive behaviours

Based largely on existing reviews, this report for the German Federal Centre for Health Education comprehensively assesses substance use prevention approaches. Among its many conclusions are that approaches based solely on information provision are ineffective, in contrast to the more positive evidence for lifeskills and multi-component community programmes.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Use of an electronic clinical reminder for brief alcohol counseling is associated with resolution of unhealthy alcohol use at follow-up screening

When a patient has screened positive for risky drinking, up pops a computerised prompt to remind the clinician to consider counselling. In one service for US ex-military personnel, this resulted in nearly three quarters of patients being counselled and a hint of consequentially reduced drinking; at another, findings were negative. Why the difference?

STUDY 2014 HTM file
Sport participation and alcohol and illicit drug use in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review of longitudinal studies

Does getting involved in sport divert adolescents from getting involved in drug or alcohol use? Perhaps with respect to the less normalised illicit drugs, but maybe not cannabis, and drinking actually seems to increase.

STUDY 2012 HTM file
Mortality of harmful drinkers increased after reduction of alcohol prices in northern Finland: A 10-year follow-up of head trauma subjects

Evidence from Finland that the 2004 decreases in alcohol taxes and increase in availability of cheaper drink from abroad led to an increase in alcohol-related deaths and in deaths overall among harmful drinkers.

STUDY 2013 HTM file
Modeling the impact of alcohol dependence on mortality burden and the effect of available treatment interventions in the European Union

Simulation exercise estimates that had either the main anti-relapse medications or brief interventions on hospital wards reached 40% of the heaviest and dependent drinkers, in 2004 they would have prevented nearly 12,000 deaths across the European Union.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
Are the Public Health Responsibility Deal alcohol pledges likely to improve public health? An evidence synthesis

Even if fully implemented, pledges made by alcohol companies under the ‘Responsibility Deal’ for England would be unlikely to significantly affect consumption or health, judge the deal’s evaluators. Instead, other sources suggest they helped forestall a more effective measure – a minimum per unit price for alcohol.

STUDY 2015 HTM file
The Public Health Responsibility deal: has a public-private partnership brought about action on alcohol reduction?

At the heart of the UK government’s alcohol strategy are ‘Responsibility Deal’ pledges made by alcohol companies, but rather than being prompted by the deal, this report says actions committed to were usually already done or underway. Other sources suggest the process helped forestall a more effective measure – a minimum per unit price for alcohol.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Social host liability for minors and underage drunk-driving accidents

US social host liability laws mean hosts of a private party can acquire civil liability if they supple alcohol to minors and that act leads to the injury to a third person. This analysis suggests such laws help prevent underage drunk-driving deaths.

STUDY 2013 HTM file
Alcohol assessment and feedback by email for university students: main findings from a randomised controlled trial

A rare ‘real world’ trial of whether a routine and feasible brief alcohol intervention can have population-wide public health benefits found that among university students in Sweden, web-based screening had very minor impacts which were not enhanced by feeding back the results.

STUDY 2014 HTM file
Web-based alcohol screening and brief intervention for university students: a randomized trial

Findings from this multi-university study in New Zealand seem an example of trials of brief alcohol interventions as they would be implemented in routine practice failing to match more promising findings from trials conducted in less ‘real world’ circumstances.

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