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REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Empathy

This meta-analytic review commissioned by the American Psychological Association finds that the more therapists communicate their understanding of and compassion for clients, the better the outcomes. Recommendations will aid counsellors and therapists and help workforce development staff foster this important attribute.

REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: The alliance in child and adolescent psychotherapy

This meta-analytic review commissioned by the American Psychological Association finds that the relationship between therapist and young clients matters about as much as for adults. Practice recommendations will aid counsellors, therapists and mental health teams dealing with young substance users.

REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Integration of treatment innovation planning and implementation: strategic process models and organizational challenges

This review encapsulates the range of treatment assessment and improvement tools developed over decades by the Texas Christian University, widely recognised as the most comprehensive and systematic attempt to map the processes involved in treatment and to link these to interventions to improve outcomes for the client.

ABSTRACT 2011 HTM file
Evidence-based therapy relationships: research conclusions and clinical practices

Draws conclusions and makes recommendations based on research syntheses commissioned by the American Psychological Association on effective therapeutic relationships and how to match therapeutic style to different patients – work critical to recovery from addiction.

REVIEW 2010 HTM file
A meta-analysis of motivational interviewing: twenty-five years of empirical studies

Better than 'treatment as usual' but not than other specific therapies are the headlines from the most comprehensive synthesis of motivational interviewing studies to date. Along the way are insights in to the equivocal value of manuals and of feeding back assessment results to patients.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy

The disappointing finding of no impact in a Swiss study of a brief alcohol intervention with risky drinking A&E patients prompted painstaking analyses of why some patients did respond, and why some counsellors had far better results than others.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Whole team training to reduce burn-out amongst staff on an in-patient alcohol ward

Even more so than in a typical psychiatric ward, staff at a London inpatient alcohol treatment ward experienced high levels of stress and other indicators of the potential for 'burn-out'. Whole-team training seemed to help, reflected especially in feelings of greater competence in working with sometimes challenging and complex patients.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Gender differences in client-provider relationship as active ingredient in substance abuse treatment

From the comprehensive treatment process data collected by a major national US study emerges the important lesson that retention in itself is not an active ingredient in post-treatment outcomes but reflects influences such having one's needs met (especially important for women) and developing a good relationship with the service and your key worker.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
Computer-assisted cognitive rehabilitation for the treatment of patients with substance use disorders: a randomized clinical trial

Researchers have long suspected that pre-existing or drug/alcohol-induced cognitive deficits prevent patients making the most of treatments which rely on complex verbal communications and understandings. For the first time this US study has shown that psychological exercises to remedy these deficits do improve outcomes by helping patients get to grips with treatment.

STUDY 2010 HTM file
A randomized pilot study of the Engaging Moms Program for family drug court

US researchers may have found a better way to support mothers at risk of losing custody of their children so they engage in and benefit from substance use treatment and meet family court requirements, meaning more children can safely stay with their parents.

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