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STUDY 2010 HTM file
“Everyone deserves services no matter what”: Defining success in harm-reduction-based substance user treatment

A study exploring the challenges of defining and measuring ‘outcomes’ and ‘success’ in substance use treatment environments, from the perspective of staff and participants in two different US harm-reduction counselling programmes.

Peer-based addiction recovery support: history, theory, practice, and scientific evaluation

This monograph is likely to become the handbook for the growing peer-based recovery movement in the UK. For administrators, the approaches it reviews offer a way to reconcile decreasing per-patient resources with a policy agenda now focused on reintegration and recovery.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Counselor skill influences outcomes of brief motivational interventions

Few studies can manage the painstaking analyses needed to identify what makes for successful counselling. This Swiss study broke new ground in dissecting why some brief interventionists had far better results than others with risky drinking A&E patients.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
From in-session behaviors to drinking outcomes: a causal chain for motivational interviewing

This substudy from the seminal US Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial found evidence for the appealingly simple and plausible conclusions that "What therapists reflect back, they will hear more of," and that promoting talk about change promotes change itself.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Patient reactance as a moderator of the effect of therapist structure on posttreatment alcohol use

Confirmation from the US Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial that too explicitly imposing structure on therapy risks relatively poor outcomes among patients reluctant to relinquish control and who react against direction – and a further indication that this pattern is not universal, but depends on the context.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Therapist behavior as a predictor of black and white caregiver responsiveness in multisystemic therapy

How to get parents more engaged in becoming a positive influence over their seriously delinquent drug abusing teenagers through family therapy integrated in to a US juvenile drug court. Some of the therapist tactics expected to work did deepen engagement, others did not.

STUDY 2009 HTM file
Relating counselor attributes to client engagement in England

The most wide-ranging investigation of the organisational health of British treatment services found clients engaged best when services fostered communication, participation and trust among staff, had a clear mission, but were open to new ideas and practices.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Benefits of residential care preserved by systematic, persistent and welcoming aftercare prompts

Systematically applying simple prompts and motivators can improve aftercare attendance and help sustain progress made during initial residential treatment, offering a way to preserve the benefits of the investment made by patients, services and funders.

STUDY 2008 HTM file
Style not content key to matching patients to therapeutic approaches

Analysis of videoed therapy sessions from a Project MATCH alcohol treatment trial clinic showed that whether therapists appropriately adjusted their interpersonal style to the patient mattered more than which therapy they practised.

ABSTRACT 2008 HTM file
An intervention for treating alcohol dependence: relating elements of medical management to patient outcomes in primary care

In a programme intended to simulate primary care management of alcohol dependence, what made the difference to patients was how far the clinician maintained confident optimism and responded to the patient rather than strictly adhering to the treatment manual.

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