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DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people 2011–12
Documents trends towards more successful specialist treatment of children with alcohol and drug problems in England. Patient numbers have fallen in line with trends among young adult patients and the general population, a sign of fewer drug problems generally, though cannabis bucked the downward trend.
DOCUMENT 2011 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people: 2010–11
England's National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse documents trends in England towards quicker and more often successful treatment of children aged under 18 with alcohol or drug problems, while numbers have fallen in line with developments among the general population and among young adults in treatment.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Advancing recovery: implementing evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders at the systems level
In the US homeland of competition and private health care, it was cooperation and coordination which led to the introduction of new medications and innovations to promote continuing care – plus the exercise of regulatory and financial muscle and the salutary experience of senior staff who placed themselves in the patient's shoes.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Performance-based contracting within a state substance abuse treatment system: a preliminary exploration of differences in client access and client outcomes
In 2007–08 the US state of Maine introduced a new scheme directly linking funding for outpatient treatment services to performance in terms of waiting times and retention, but financial and service delivery impacts were negligible. Were the incentives too weak, or were services already doing as well as they could?
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
A policy-oriented review of strategies for improving the outcomes of services for substance use disorder patients
Improving performance of substance use disorder treatment systems is no easy matter and one prone to unintended consequences. All the more welcome then is guidance from leading US experts with top-level experience in the UK and the USA; their favourite tactic, rewarding services for patient progress during treatment, is featured in UK payment-by-results schemes.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Audit of alcohol detoxification at Leeds Addiction Unit
In a specialist hospital unit in Leeds, virtually all the alcohol dependent outpatients completed detoxification and all but a few went on to try to sustain their drinking reductions using the aversive medication disulfiram, indicative of what can be achieved in these settings.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Internet therapy versus internet self-help versus no treatment for problematic alcohol use: a randomized controlled trial
From the Netherlands, the first randomised controlled trial to evaluate internet-based therapy for problem drinking via text-chat conversations with a real therapist found this improved on an automated self-help option; on average alcohol intake was cut by nearly two-thirds.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Computer based alcohol interventions
Worth trying but unproven for the UK and the general population and need evaluating, was the message of this review for the health service in Scotland of computer-based alcohol interventions as possible ways to extend the reach of treatment and of the national brief intervention programme.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Implementation of evidence-based substance use disorder continuing care interventions
As this review comments, people treated for substance use often remain precariously balanced between recovery and relapse. Widely seen as valuable if not essential, aftercare is nevertheless more the exception than the rule. How to reverse that ratio is the issue addressed by these leading US analysts.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Integration of treatment innovation planning and implementation: strategic process models and organizational challenges
This review encapsulates the range of treatment assessment and improvement tools developed over decades by the Texas Christian University, widely recognised as the most comprehensive and systematic attempt to map the processes involved in treatment and to link these to interventions to improve outcomes for the client.
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