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STUDY 2013 HTM file
The Citizenship Project part II: Impact of a citizenship intervention on clinical and community outcomes for persons with mental illness and criminal justice involvement
This US study found that among people with serious mental illness and a history of criminal justice involvement, an intervention intended to foster citizenship through peer mentoring, education and activities, reduced alcohol and drug use and enhanced quality of life and satisfaction with social, leisure and work activities.
REVIEW 2012 HTM file
Computer based alcohol interventions
Worth trying but unproven for the UK and the general population and need evaluating, was the message of this review for the health service in Scotland of computer-based alcohol interventions as possible ways to extend the reach of treatment and of the national brief intervention programme.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Audit of alcohol detoxification at Leeds Addiction Unit
In a specialist hospital unit in Leeds, virtually all the alcohol dependent outpatients completed detoxification and all but a few went on to try to sustain their drinking reductions using the aversive medication disulfiram, indicative of what can be achieved in these settings.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Advancing recovery: implementing evidence-based treatment for substance use disorders at the systems level
In the US homeland of competition and private health care, it was cooperation and coordination which led to the introduction of new medications and innovations to promote continuing care – plus the exercise of regulatory and financial muscle and the salutary experience of senior staff who placed themselves in the patient's shoes.
DOCUMENT 2012 HTM file
Substance misuse among young people 2011–12
Documents trends towards more successful specialist treatment of children with alcohol and drug problems in England. Patient numbers have fallen in line with trends among young adult patients and the general population, a sign of fewer drug problems generally, though cannabis bucked the downward trend.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Innovation adoption as facilitated by a change-oriented workplace
Message from this large US study is that 'bottom-up' practice improvements in treatment services initiated by counsellors are still strongly influenced by the climate-setting and support offered by an organisation's leadership and ethos, especially how far they foster professional development.
STUDY 2012 HTM file
Implementation issues in an innovative rural substance misuser treatment program
Detailed, frank and compelling account of what it takes in the real world (when implementers have to grapple with counsellors and organisations over which they have no control) to introduce a new treatment approach. Key lesson is that each organisation is different; being there, learning about that unique context, and taking it in to account, is what’s needed to give implementation a chance.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Prison health needs assessment for alcohol problems
What does the Scottish Prison Service need to do to adequately address alcohol problems among inmates? This needs assessment funded by the Scottish Government assesses the size of the problem, identifies the gaps, and recommends ways to plug them based on a review of relevant research.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Scoping study of interventions for offenders with alcohol problems in community justice settings
Investigates what outside prison is being done in Scotland to meet the needs of problem drinking offenders by criminal justice and other services, and assesses whether local arrangements measure up to the size and nature of the task. Non-evidence based funding and the need to develop integrated care pathways emerged as key issues.
STUDY 2011 HTM file
Shared decision-making: increases autonomy in substance-dependent patients
An innovative Dutch study tested a way of involving substance users as equals in decisions over issues addressed in their treatment. The effect was to give these typically submissive personalities a greater sense of control over their lives. Just as influential was the lead offered by the clinician's personality.
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