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REVIEW 2019 HTM file
Supervised consumption sites: a nuanced assessment of the causal evidence
How high should the evidence bar be set when deciding whether to endorse drug consumption rooms?
HOT TOPIC 2020 HTM file
Time for safer injecting spaces in Britain?
‘Hot topics’ offer background and analysis on important issues which sometimes generate heated debate. Drug consumption rooms are a particularly contentious form of harm reduction, viewed on one hand as a practical, humane, life-saving approach to dangerous drug use, and on the other, as an endorsement of drugtaking and a dereliction of the duty to treat people dependent on drugs.
STUDY 2020 HTM file
“Bed bugs and beyond”: an ethnographic analysis of North America’s first women-only supervised drug consumption site
‘How can the design of drug consumption rooms be optimised to maximise their benefits?’ – a question that has tended to be overlooked in the wider debate about whether consumption rooms should be established in the first place. The featured study goes inside North America’s first women-only safer injecting facility, which emerged in response to an epidemic of fatal drug overdoses and an epidemic of violence against women.
STUDY 2000 PDF file 104Kb
'Wet shelter' becomes home for street drinkers
After an uncertain start, an experimental project based in London's East End safely housed long-term rough sleepers unwilling to stop drinking, connecting them to medical and other services whilst allowing drinking on the premises.
Drug Treatment Matrix cell B1: Practitioners; Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the impact of the practitioner on harm reduction. Trust emerges as a fundamental ingredient to harm reduction work with users of illegal drugs. Reconceptualise needle exchanges as safe havens in a largely rejecting world, and explore why a Philadelphia methadone counsellor stood out – for the wrong reasons.
Drug Matrix cell C1: Management/supervision: Reducing harm
Seminal and key studies on the role of management and supervision in reducing harm associated with illegal drug use.
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