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STUDY 1977 HTM file
Effect of counselor expectations on alcoholic recovery
Could negativity about the recovery chances of disadvantaged drinkers become self-fulfilling prophecies? This hidden gem study from the late ’70s suggests they can, and that bolstering counsellors’ expectations promotes commitment to treatment and recovery among the least promising of clients.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B5: Practitioners; Safeguarding the community
Key studies on the impact of the treatment practitioner on safeguarding the community, families and children, and their influence in criminal justice contexts. Explores whether exceptional abilities are needed to forge productive therapeutic relationships in these situations, and invites you to ‘stress test’ a proposed universal rule: The trickier the situation, the more the worker matters.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B4: Practitioners; Psychosocial therapies
Key studies on the impact of the practitioner in psychosocial therapies for alcohol dependence. Structured around Carl Rogers’ classic account of the prerequisites of effective psychotherapy.
STUDY 2020 HTM file
Improving access to care for people who inject drugs: qualitative evaluation of Project ITTREAT – an integrated community hepatitis C service
A UK-based project placed a dedicated full-time hepatitis C nurse into a drug and alcohol treatment service. The experiences of people who inject drugs and attended the service reveal the degree to which this strategy can remove barriers to the infection treatment so crucial to containing the virus.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C3: Management/supervision; Medical treatment
Seminal and key studies on the impact of management on medical interventions and treatment for problem drinking in medical settings. Asks how we can identify effective clinicians and effective medications, and highlights the remarkable transformation brought about in the 1950s at a US clinic which few referred patients attended and fewer still engaged with.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B3: Practitioners; Medical treatment
The most important seminal and key studies and reviews shedding light on the impact of the practitioner in medical interventions and treatment for alcohol problems in medical settings.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B2: Practitioners; Generic and cross-cutting issues
At the front line the practitioner is to the patient the face of treatment. They can matter enormously – not so much in their formal credentials, but their manner with patients. Tour seminal and key studies which probe the heart of addiction treatment: relationships. See the remaining four cells in row 2 of the matrix for more on generic features of medical and psychosocial therapies.
STUDY 2016 HTM file
Strategies in primary healthcare to implement early identification of risky alcohol consumption: why do they work or not? A qualitative evaluation of the ODHIN study
What do primary care clinicians think would help them bridge the ‘implementation gap’ in screening for risky drinking and brief advice, and extend the potential benefits to a greater proportion of the population? A European trial found the answer differed depending on distinctive national circumstances.
Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B1: Practitioners; Screening and brief intervention
Key studies on the impact of the practitioner in brief interventions. Highlights Swiss studies which dissected how these work and helps develop evidence-informed understanding of four issues: Why does the practitioner matter? Are some naturally effective? Does getting it wrong matter more than getting it right? What do we know about non-motivational interventions? See the rest of row 1 of the matrix for more on screening and brief interventions.
DOCUMENT 2017 HTM file
Better care for people with co-occurring mental health and alcohol/drug use conditions: a guide for commissioners and service providers
People with co-occurring mental health and substance use problems are often unable to access the care they need. This 2017 guide from Public Health England describes what better care would look like, underpinned by the principles that there is ‘no wrong door’ for accessing support, and it is ‘everyone’s job’ the other side of the door to help.
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