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STUDY 2009 HTM file
Relating counselor attributes to client engagement in England
The most wide-ranging investigation of the organisational health of British treatment services found clients engaged best when services fostered communication, participation and trust among staff, had a clear mission, but were open to new ideas and practices.
STUDY 2020 HTM file
Improving access to care for people who inject drugs: qualitative evaluation of Project ITTREAT – an integrated community hepatitis C service
A UK-based project placed a dedicated full-time hepatitis C nurse into a drug and alcohol treatment service. The experiences of people who inject drugs and attended the service reveal the degree to which this strategy can remove barriers to the infection treatment so crucial to containing the virus.
IN PRACTICE 2005 PDF file 813Kb
Wet day centres in Britain part 2: Care Control Challenge
Part 2 of our mini-series on wet day centres in Britain will ring bells not just for alcohol workers but also for drug workers in needle exchanges and drop-in services. Maureen Crane and Tony Warnes analyse what it takes to work productively in one of the most challenging of settings.
Wet day centres in Britain
In drug and alcohol services, it doesn't get more difficult than this – offering street drinkers a place where they can start to reverse years of deterioration, without having first to stop drinking.
REVIEW 2005 PDF file 449Kb
Can we help?
Part 2 of the Manners Matter series explores the neglected parts of service delivery – how to help people get there on time. Transport and childcare are key ingredients but a helping hand does more than help carry the load; it shows that you care.
STUDY 2009 HTM file
Counselor skill influences outcomes of brief motivational interventions
Few studies can manage the painstaking analyses needed to identify what makes for successful counselling. This Swiss study broke new ground in dissecting why some brief interventionists had far better results than others with risky drinking A&E patients.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
Counselor motivational interviewing skills and young adult change talk articulation during brief motivational interventions
In the study of Swiss army conscripts, reflective listening emerged as possibly the key active ingredient in a brief alcohol intervention based on motivational interviewing.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
The role of ethnic matching between patient and provider on the effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions with Hispanics
At a US emergency department, a brief conversation about the pros and cons of their risky drinking and offers of support for any efforts to reduce harm led to extra reductions in the drinking of Hispanic patients which were greatest when they were matched to a Hispanic and Spanish-speaking counsellor.
STUDY 2010 HTM file
What process research tells us about brief intervention efficacy
The disappointing finding of no impact in a Swiss study of a brief alcohol intervention with risky drinking A&E patients prompted painstaking analyses of why some patients did respond, and why some counsellors had far better results than others.
REVIEW 2011 HTM file
Barriers and facilitators to implementing screening and brief intervention for alcohol misuse: a systematic review of qualitative evidence
UK-focused review for Britain's National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence of what impedes or promotes the implementation of brief alcohol interventions at the level of the organisation, the staff doing the work, and the patients targeted by the programme.
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