has gained an enthusiastic following and an international reputation among researchers and practitioners. Site users value the unique focus on how to maximise the benefits for their clients,
patients and communities, and the combination of analytic quality
allied with practicality and readability. Below some of the compliments paid to
the project. Also available latest analysis of site user survey results and a chart of reads of our research analyses and other documents.
Today comments total 243. The most recent comments are the top of both columns. The earliest comments date back to when Drug and Alcohol Findings disseminated its analyses via a magazine. Titles, positions and affiliations are as at the time of the comment unless specified otherwise. Only comments we have received permission to publish and attribute to an individual or service are listed. An anonymised and complete list of comments made in response to the latest user survey is available. Unless indicated otherwise, comments should be understood as personal and not representing the views of affiliated bodies.
Submit your own comments by completing this prepared email.
“I wanted to say how much I enjoyed the latest post on Drug and Alcohol Findings – it’s a brilliant, thoughtful and well-written piece and one that I anticipate using for teaching purposes.”
Professor Matt Field Department of Psychology, University of Sheffield, England
“Just read your paper [Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell C5, section “How can you prioritise the child when your patient is the parent?”], and predictably, it has blown my mind! Thanks for getting me thinking – again!”
Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England
“Wow, outstanding work! This [Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell B4] is one of the best, most clear and scholarly write ups I’ve seen of this complex topic.”
Dr Lisa M. Najavits Director of Treatment Innovations and adjunct professor, Massachusetts Medical School, USA
“This is a brilliant synthesis of the evidence and debate around drug consumption rooms in the UK.”
Dr Andrew McAuley Senior Research Fellow, Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland
“Findings have drawn attention to a significant body of work [series of analyses on relationships in psychotherapy] that seeks to understand what makes psychotherapy effective. This highlights a number of areas applicable to day-to-day addictions work and should be essential reading for anyone looking to improve their ability to form effective working relationships with their clients.”
Dr Luke Mitcheson Consultant Clinical Psychologist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, England
“Great commentary on articles. Puts the UK perspective where necessary, and highlights the weaknesses in studies when appropriate.”
Mick McManus Alcohol co-ordinator, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, England
“Very much appreciate the regular newsletters with links to topics of interest. Site is an easy way to access relevant information on a vast array of topics.”
Addiction Medicine Specialist Perth, Australia
“As a front line drug worker, what I like most about Findings is it enables me to connect with the drug and alcohol practice field, outwith the silo of my own organisation and corner of the country. Findings gives me a broader perspective on ‘evidence-based’ interventions and helps me be aware of the fundamentals of effective therapeutic relationships that underpin interventions and, in some ways, transcend them. Please keep doing what you’re doing!”
Sian Cox Mental Health Liaison Worker, N-gage Young Persons’ Drug and Alcohol Service, Wales
“Excellent resource – really impressed with the calibre of reviews and applicability to our area of business (Corrections Dept).”
Dr Henry Pharo Director Offender Rehabilitation Services, Offender Development Directorate, Department for Correctional Services, Government of South Australia, Australia
“Invaluable tool that I dip into regularly. I see research and get information I would not otherwise have accessed. The hard work is done for me.”
Suzanne Hunter Substance Use Worker, Alcohol & Drugs Action, Aberdeen, Scotland
“As a policy analyst advising govt and NGOs and in professional development work I have developed a high level of trust in the editors’ judgements on studies to include and what the full body of evidence tells us. Where evidence is unclear or studies methodologically weak the editors are careful not to go beyond the evidence. A really useful, authoritative source of great relevance to both policy workers and service development/delivery personnel. The alcohol and other drugs sector is in your debt.”
David McDonald Director, Social Research & Evaluation Pty. Ltd., Australia and Campus Visitor, National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
“Findings continues to be an essential resource giving access to research otherwise ‘lost’ behind a paywall.”
Maggie Telfer Chief Executive Officer, Bristol Drugs Project, Bristol, England
“Fantastic service unlike any other free-to-access service available.”
Stephen Conlon Senior Charge Nurse, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scotland
“Your service is excellent and long may it continue. Easy to use, relevant and interesting.”
Gillian Tober Visiting Senior Lecturer, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, England
“Vital to have this resource updated so that we can constantly check with research basis.”
Marion Rackard Project Manager, HSE Alcohol Programme, Ireland
“The best one-stop site for all current research into a range of alcohol and drug issues. The treatment matrices are invaluable in terms of making most efficient use of time.”
John Thayers Recovery and Quality Improvement Officer, Midlothian and East Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Partnership (MELDAP), Scotland
“Vital; keep doing it.”
Fizz Annand Independent consultant and researcher in drug/alcohol/tobacco harm reduction, Fizz Annand Consultancy, England
“The updates are exceptional ways to communicate issues and content updates to staff who are time-pressured to find time to look for articles [and] allow access to updated literature for clinicians not in services with funded access to journals.”
Mick Haines Senior Social Worker (AASW), Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Counsellor, Canberra Health Services – Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol & Drug Services, Canberra, Australia
“I find this an essential resource. I work in Ireland as a Drug and Alcohol Task Force Co-ordinator, which involves a quasi commissioning role, as well as the responsibility to promote best practice in the field of drug and alcohol use. This is my ‘go to’ resource.”
Chris Purnell Drug and Alcohol Task Force Co-ordinator, Ireland
“I cannot fault this service – I think it is excellent.”
Professor Susanne MacGregor Honorary Professor, Department of Public Health, Environments and Society, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England and Emeritus Professor, Middlesex University, England
“Great service, fantastic to be updated on latest research … a reinforcement to the work I do in my treatment approaches.”
Mark Campbell Outreach Worker/Addiction Counsellor, Clare Drug & Alcohol Service, HSE Mid West, Ireland
“The information is interesting in its own right and useful in that I teach sociology to trainee psychiatrists. I always include something from you so they can follow it up themselves. I feel I am providing them with a reliable source.”
Annie Nixson Visiting Lecturer on the MRCPsych, Division of Psychiatry, University College London, England
“I rely on your work to inform mine.”
Dr Julaine Allan National Research Manager, Lives Lived Well, Australia and Honorary Senior Research Fellow, University of Queensland, Australia
“To have research collected in one easy to access space is really useful.”
Richard Renson Practice Manager, Bevan Wilson Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinics, England
“I like what this site gives me about treatment and results from all over the world. It helps me rethink some of the strategies I use with my patients.”
Robert Hafer Certified Addictions Professional and Certified Mental Health Professional, Central Florida Recovery Centers, Inc., USA
“Thank you for this service; it is so valuable! I also appreciate the variety of articles from prevention through to treatment.”
Helen Keen Social worker, South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use, South Africa
“I am very pleased to be able to draw on your expertise. I find it invaluable for my understanding.”
Professor Anthony Goodman Department of Criminology and Sociology, Middlesex University, England
“Findings is an invaluable resource for anyone working/studying in the field and I have been most grateful to have access to such useful and stimulating material over the last few years.”
Fran Glendining Addictions Counsellor, England
“An excellent source of research findings and useful collection of relevant evidence.”
Dave Hasney National Coordinator (England), UK SMART Recovery, England
“It is wonderful to be able to access high quality studies and the interpretation of these for practice purposes.”
Chris Rintoul Drugs and Alcohol Consultancy, Extern, Northern Ireland
“This is a superb resource and long may it continue.”
Paul Anders IPS-AD Trial Manager, Public Health England, England
“You are my primary source for current information and developments in the addictions arena. Keep doing what you do.”
Graham Maguire Director, Sefton Park addiction treatment centre, Weston-super-Mare, England
“We are meeting regularly to look at some of the hot topics on the website and to read, evaluate, synthesise and discuss the literature from this resource. I have used this resource for some time and I think it will be more user friendly for staff and helpful than looking at original source material. It is fantastic – I just wanted to say thank you and let you know what we are doing with it.”
Matthew Gaskell Consultant Psychologist & Clinical Lead, Leeds & York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, England
“Amazing information and work.”
Julian Mockridge Acting hub manager, East London NHS Foundation Trust, England and Staff Governor, Path to Recovery (P2R), England
“I refer people to your site every day – it is an incredible resource that would be very hard to replace … I look forward to reading more of the incisive commentary.”
Shaun Shelly Department of Family Medicine, University of Pretoria, South Africa and Deputy Secretary, United Nations Vienna NGO Committee on Narcotic Drugs
“A godsend for practitioners and commissioners. Dip in and take a look – the links are all there for you to benefit from the largest live drug and alcohol library in Britain.”
Claire Brown Editor, Drink and Drugs News, UK
“Great overview [Drug Treatment Matrix row 2] of important treatment delivery fundamentals.”
Ireland Chapter of The International Nurses Society on Addictions
“I just wanted to say that I found this cell [of the Drug Treatment Matrix] and especially the commentary incredibly useful and brilliantly written.”
Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England
“Kudos in recognition of your miraculous achievement. For me the perfect balance of synthesis of research and practitioner insights … all pointing to bite-size shifts in my priorities … professional and personal.”
Dr Richard Earle Managing Director, Canadian Institute of Stress, Canada
“An essential resource. I seldom fail to be amazed at the quality of the hot topics. Even (especially) in a cash strapped system, your work is invaluable. It is a jewel in the substance misuse crown. My job is made much easier by having you at my side!”
Wayne Gault Lead Officer, Aberdeenshire Alcohol and Drug Partnership, Scotland
“It’s great to have such easily accessible, evidenced-based material pop into my inbox, it’s like nuggets of gold.”
Dr Lyn Williams Organisational and management development professional, UK
“This is an excellent service – clear and concise reviews of evidence. Invaluable to all involved in the drug and alcohol field.”
Joyce Nicholson Lecturer on drug and alcohol programmes, University of Glasgow, Scotland
“This is an excellent review [of a parent-child substance use prevention programme]. Very thorough and insightful and whoever was involved in doing this should be rightly proud.”
Dr Wolfgang A. Markham University of Warwick School of Health and Social Studies, England
“This is a really brilliant analysis!”
Professor Susanne MacGregor London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England
“The most meticulous and helpful service in the field. Genuinely innovative and impressive.”
Trevor McCarthy Independent Consultant, England and former alcohol policy lead, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, England
“Wonderful. Distilled information. Sifting through the mass of info to give us the core message with commentary to guide us on how credible the research is.”
Dr Fiona Spence specialty doctor, Integrated Alcohol Service, Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen, Scotland
“I live in the US and there just really isn’t any comparable resource for well synthesized evidence-based practice information available through our various federal, state, or local administrations. Thank you!”
Ryan Wythe Quality Improvement Specialist, substance use, Central City Concern, USA
“Having up to date research on tap like this is a fantastic support.”
Andi Ross Counselling Practice Co-ordinator, Orkney Alcohol Counselling and Advisory Service, Scotland
“Fantastic resource making research available for organisations who don’t have access – cost, time, systems – to trawl new publications; and great resource for staff induction and training.”
Maggie Telfer Chief Executive Officer, Bristol Drugs Project, England
“Your work is an enormous help for me to get well-prepared, commented compilations and overviews of central topics around the addictions, often with the possibility to download relevant materials. It’s also a great help to easily contact authors for reprint requests. I’m reading all mails you are sending. You are doing a great job!”
Professor Joachim Koerkel Department of Psychology, University of Applied Sciences, Nürnberg, Germany
“You’re doing brilliantly!!!! Life and learning are made very easy. Thank you.”
Sue Gardner consultant clinical psychologist, England
“Informative current relevant and convenient … an excellent resource I find second to none.”
Pollock Boyd North Lanarkshire Council, Scotland
“Have just re-read this article [harm reduction hot topic] and was struck again by how thoughtful and accurate it is. For those of us who have lived and worked through the changes the article discusses, it summarises perfectly how we have got to where we are today.”
Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England
“I must admit I like the Matrix … the database is phenomenal. I only wish that it was available in the ’80s and ’90s for my respective degrees; the hours of library time it could have saved! … a tremendous piece of work, what a fantastic resource.”
Paul-John Griffiths Independent Forensic Psychologist, UK
“Superb long read from @mike_ashton_ on evidence based commissioning.”
Oliver Standing Director of Policy and Communications, Adfam, England
“I am using your Matrices for all the medical students I am lecturing, guiding them there as the No. 1 resource they should go to on matters of drug and alcohol use … So thanks for an unparalleled resource!”
Shaun Shelly Addictions Division, University of Cape Town, South Africa
“Eye opening article [What is addiction treatment for?].”
Mick McManus Alcohol Co-ordinator, Substance Misuse Strategy Team, London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, England
“Thank you for such a beautifully written piece [What do the patients want?] – clear, intelligent, balanced and thought-provoking … This is an invaluable service!”
Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England
“This is a hugely valuable service to those of us who work in substance misuse/addictions. The analyses are clear and succinct, and this is brilliant considering the time constraints staff are working within. It is wonderful to receive updates regarding research into effective practice in the bite-size chunks. As a Learning & Development Advisor within a substance misuse treatment charity, it means that I can disseminate this very current and relevant information throughout the organisation to encourage dialogue and inform practitioners’ practice.”
O. Mack Learning and Development Advisor, Addaction, England
“Comprehensive, accessible and quite simply essential. I cannot praise the facility/resource highly enough.”
Dr Ian Paylor Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Convenor BA (Hons) Social Work Degree, Lancaster University, England
“This is the best thing I have ever read on this topic [hot topic on alcohol pricing].”
Paul Hayes former chief executive, National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse, England and later project leader, Collective Voice, England
“Saves no end of searching; your précis writer/s is/are excellent; the stuff is germane clinically, and sometimes useful to remind the most senior management of factors other than accountancy.”
Dr Gary Reynolds Chief Medical Officer and accredited prescriber, Drug Health, Canterbury Hospital, NSW Health Service, Australia
“Succinct, relevant reports leaving me with more hours in the week to work with clients. Saves several hours a month, especially as I am in the middle of a research project.
It is invaluable to me. Matrices join everything up and deliver a kind of bottom line … superb service.”
Dr Sandy Francis lecturer, Action on Addiction and University of Bath, England and psychological therapist and supervisor, National Health Service, England
“I’ve been using Findings for many years – since you were paper-based. The e-version much better ... It’s always my first ‘go-to’ site.”
Kym Barlow Service Improvement Co-ordinator, Community Drug and Alcohol Team, Carmarthen, Wales
“Brilliant, you are an invaluable resource.”
Deborah Arthur case manager, Magistrate’s Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) programme, NSW Health, Australia
“Saves me huge amounts of time reviewing and condensing research that directly affects my clients … Many times more helpful than the source content.”
Greg Hoffman Director, GO SOBER, Longmont, Colorado, USA
“I think it is a fantastic service and would be mortified if it was not available. The [Alcohol Treatment Matrix] was perfect for finding specific papers/research to support a key piece of work I was doing with public health, saved me masses of time as the structure led me to the key sources I needed for our baseline work.”
Jane Ward Independent Consultant and Trainer, England
“Such a unique and special resource [service as a whole and matrices]! So much work made unnecessary by your marvellous site that gathers together a balanced view and so much information relating to a wide range of topics … You are the only site I find is thorough, balanced, informative and especially – encouraging.”
Russ Hayton Nurse Consultant and Governance Lead, Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Drug and Alcohol Action Team., England
“Great summary! I really enjoyed reading it and found the commentary on the study excellent and thought provoking … I really enjoy your site and find it the best summary that is out there about alcohol treatment.”
Professor Jon Morgenstern Director, Substance Abuse Services, Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, USA
“The matrices are great, as are your Matrix Bite comments. It is a privilege to receive your pieces; great and useful job. Thank you so much.”
Dr Alain Braillon Alcohol Treatment Unit, Amiens, France
“Hi Mike I looked at them [matrices] more in depth and I agree with Audrey!”
Glenn Richardson formerly Manager of Training and Technical Assistance, Texas Department of State Health Services, USA
“Especially impressive are your use of older pieces of research [in the matrices] which are often forgotten (or not learned!!) by people who have not been around for a long time … important as I watch old mistakes being repeated.”
Ira Unell formerly Coordinator, Leicestershire Community Drug and Alcohol Services, England
“Thanks for providing such a super resource [matrices].”
Barry Salaberry Addictions counsellor, British Columbia, Canada
“Thanks Mike, You are a freaking legend.”
Paul Dessauer Outreach Coordinator, WASAU, Perth, Australia
“Findings has become indispensible as an authoritative one-stop shop for evidence in this field. It leads the way for other areas and we are very lucky to have it. It must be sustained for the long term. Findings is legend!”
Jim Sherval Deputy Director of Public Health, NHS Lothian, Scotland
“I find this service invaluable and use it as a good tool to try to influence practice by trying to encourage colleagues to access bulletins. I find that clinical colleagues may have time to access the Drug and Alcohol Findings analyses where they may not feel they have time to access the full journal.”
Euan Macleay Nurse Facilitator (BBV), Primary Care Facilitator Team, Spittal Street Centre, Scotland
“You are doing great work.”
Dr Don C. Des Jarlais National Development and Research Institutes, Inc., USA
“Superb system for getting proper research and analysis that is user-friendly and easy to digest. Vital to us working in the field who need the evidence base to back up our service development decisions so that we move forward in a considered and experienced way rather than jumping on the latest bandwagon. You give our field a professional credibility and validity and a voice of reason so important when resources are being squeezed and people are questioning our value.”
James Parker Services Manager, Westminster Drug Project, England
“A cheat sheet to make you feel and look tuned in and clever … great service.”
Dr Rob Hayward A/Principal Advisor AOD/HHP, Offender Services & Programs, Corrective Services NSW, Australia
“I am a very busy senior nurse/manager also working to ensure the financial support of the service. [Findings] quickly sends a summary on a range of topics that I can then explore later or share with my staff. Brilliant.”
Dr Rosie Winyard Senior Nurse and Service Manager, CAMHS Specialist Substance Misuse Service, East London NHS Foundation Trust, England
“Continue what you are doing please!!!!!!!!!”
Paul Davison non-medical prescriber, Contact drug and alcohol service, South Tyneside, England
“Still the best site about.”
Danny Kiely Manager, Co-Morbidity Services, Department of Corrective Services, Western Australia, Australia
“A fantastic resource which allows easy access to empirically astute findings (excuse the pun). Also the ability to convert documents to PDF format for print-ability is a godsend.”
Matty Caine final year nursing student (mental health), UK
“[Search pages (1 2)] make sourcing information required quick and easy.”
Rosie Byrne Addictions Counsellor, CARE (Hampshire) Psychosocial Counselling Service, England
“I love what you do and could not work as a trainer without it.”
Tim Morrison substance misuse trainer, independent, UK
“Your service is invaluable and a massive asset to understanding in this field.”
Claire Brown Editor, Drink and Drugs News, UK
“Evidence is often lost due to lack of understanding … your summaries bring it alive and make it more available … Findings gets it seen.”
Nielsen Leahy Alcohol Peer Support and Aftercare Lead, Torbay Primary Care Alcohol Services, England
“We are often bombarded with reports and findings etc and try as we might to keep our filing systems up to date it is almost impossible to accurately log and file material for easy retrieval. Being able to come onto your site and search by topic as we do is a real boon. Your site is also extremely credible and usually tries to give a balanced overview of issues which at times can be highly contentious.”
John Arthur National Director, Crew 2000, Scotland
“I subscribe to numerous sites which provide information on studies and recent scientific reports on alcohol and drugs … managed by governmental, university, and private organizations. The Effectiveness Bank provides the clearest, most concise précis and comprehensive resource tool I have seen.”
Michael Greenhut former Vice-Chair, Montgomery County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Council, Maryland, USA
“One of my best finds in the ten years I have worked in substance misuse. Articles have depth and discussed in a way which would appeal to all within the field. Drug and Alcohol Findings has guided me as a practitioner, therapist, manager and reviewing and developing of services. Manners Matter was refreshing and inspiring, it encouraged me to remain forthright in my views on the treatment of service users and assisted in my pursuit of client-centred services and workforce.”
Tony McCready practitioner, therapist, and service manager, UK
“I thought it was a really, really excellent review of the evidence [on relationship between pupil engagement in schools and substance use].”
Dr Chris Bonell London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England
“I really liked your article. Nice discussion of the research.”
John J. Novo Valley Medical Group, Florence, USA
“I think your article “My Way or Yours” is excellent.”
Don Phillips , USA
“I don’t think we have anything as informative and succinct as Findings in the States.”
Dr Andrew Rosenblum Director, National Development and Research Institutes, USA
“You did a great job in writing this up. Seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever had an article of mine summarized in such a detailed, readable, and accurate fashion … terrific.”
Dr James McKay University of Pennsylvania Treatment Research Center, USA
“Excellent 4th part [of series on needle exchange] … well done again for both great writing and (even more important) superb summarising and pulling things together: it is a vital art, and you are a real master at it.”
Professor Richard Velleman Director of Development and Research, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, England
“Excellent ... congratulations on such thorough work [concluding part of series on needle exchange].”
Dr Holly Hagan National Development and Research Institutes, USA
“Far and away the best summary of the addiction literature out there … have recommended it to colleagues over here in the States. Just terrific.”
Dr John Kelly Center for Health Care Evaluation, Stanford University, USA
“The series on needle exchange was great, and an excellent summary of the work to date.”
Dr Karen McElrath Lecturer in Addictive Behaviours, Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland
“Excellent! You wrote beautifully, and above all, you touched the soul of my work. Thank you!”
Zhiwei Zhang University of Chicago, USA
“As a group of commissioners leading service change in the drug and alcohol field, we have found Drug and Alcohol Findings an accessible gateway to research. It has helped us sift relevant research and identify evidence from around the world that has significantly informed our change processes. Findings is an essential tool and one I would commend highly to colleagues.”
Gary Wallace Manager, Plymouth Drug and Alcohol Action Team, England
“Findings is a superb publication. I fully support what you are trying to do.”
Dr Lawrie Elliott Director of Research, School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Dundee, Scotland
“Great piece of work [on national US treatment evaluation] and hugely helpful.”
Dr David McCartney Clinical Lead, Lothians & Edinburgh Abstinence Programme, Scotland
“The DATOS team is grateful for the thorough and well-balanced review of our research program. Such a comprehensive and integrative commentary on this type of complex project is rare. It offers particular value for clinical audiences and public policy makers, who are less inclined to read the peer-reviewed scientific literature.”
Professor D. Dwayne Simpson Director, Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University, USA
“By far the most useful and readable publication in the field.”
Dr Luke Mitcheson Consultant Clinical Psychologist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, England
“Thank you for the Findings! It was really excellent reading and very useful! This will greatly assist future planning for harm reduction work!!!”
Francis Rocha Crime Reduction Initiatives, England
“A great UK journal which connects science and practice of harm reduction.”
Chicago Recovery Alliance, USA
“A tremendous help to those of us who can be described as ‘overworked, underpaid and over-monitored’.”
Nick Tegerdine Executive Director, Alcohol Problems Advisory Service, England
“Congratulations on yet another superb issue of Drug and Alcohol Findings.”
Jim Sherval Centre for HIV/AIDS and Drug Studies, Edinburgh, Scotland
“I have read your article re Life Skills Training in the recent issue of Findings with great interest. You did a great job!”
Dr Reiner Hanewinkel Institute for Therapy and Health Research, Kiel, Germany
“Congratulations on the drug education article – it adds substantially to the debate.”
Richard Ives educaRI, England
“Findings is excellent and heavily influenced our new policy.
Nick Royle Drug Strategy Coordinator, Scottish Prison Service, Scotland
“Firstly I should like to congratulate on another edition of Findings. On the basis of the first two editions [1; 2) I think you have achieved your aim of providing research information for the field in an easily digestible form which makes tackling the original sources less daunting for the busy practitioner.”
Paul Wells Team Leader, Coventry Community Drug Team, England
“As an aid to promoting cost effective interventions, this new publication is essential reading. The focus on the practical implications of research in the alcohol and drug fields provides social workers and commissioners with relevant information they require to help make decisions about effective practice.”
John Dixon Chair of the drug and alcohol group, Association of Directors of Social Services, England and Director of Social Services, West Sussex County Council, England
“This is a terrific resource and I look forward very much to forthcoming issues.”
Susie Harries Project Director, RSA Commission on Illegal Drugs, Communities and Public Policy, England
“Not only an honest and fair representation of the trial [Project MATCH], but also a creative and clinically meaningful way to communicate its implications … some rather insightful interpretations … an excellent article.”
Professor Thomas Babor Principal Investigator, Project MATCH Coordinating Center, USA
“I am very impressed by the launch issue of Findings. It is absolutely jam-packed with what looks to me like useful and interesting information.”
Kristina Bird Manager, National HIV Prevention Information Service, Health Education Authority, England
“Findings is a serious and considered attempt at making the link between research and practice. It is clear that this publication will make an important contribution to the development of effective services to tackle drug misuse problems.”
Jerry Sutton Chief Executive, Inward House Projects, England
“Just the sort of thing our treatment centres need to help them improve their services by taking account
of the latest research.”
Simon Shepherd Chief Executive, Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals, England
“It’s just what we need in the field. Superb. Articles were all high standard, written by very credible authors. Your only problem is maintaining such a high standard.”
Ollie Batchelor Training, Advice, Help and Research in Addictions (TAHRA), England
“Substance misuse continues to represent a major – if not the major – criminogenic factor for probation services. But who can find the time to keep up with the latest research and commentary? Drug and Alcohol Findings provides a user-friendly answer to the deluge of paperwork constantly flooding practitioners’ and managers’ desks.”
Lawrence Singer Assistant Chief Probation Officer, Merseyside Probation Service, England
“My only real feedback on the first issue of findings is WELL DONE. It was just what I was looking for. Short, sweet, to the point. I hope commissioners use it to modify their service specifications and their monitoring arrangements.”
Don Lavoie Associate Director, Substance Misuse Advisory Service, England
“As a multiagency trainer in substance misuse I must have trained thousands of professionals in Suffolk, from GPs to police officers to teachers and social workers – and your work has under-pinned it all. They may not realise it, but your work has had a big impact on those who work with drug and alcohol users.”
Renato Masetti Training Co-ordinator, Health Outreach, North Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, England
“I think this section [Alcohol Treatment Matrix cell D4] is terrific and really valuable and contains some great resources. Keep up your fabulous work.”
Professor Ann M. Roche Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, Australia
“The Findings repository is extremely helpful and useful. A comprehensive centralised source of [free of charge] information, that informs my work.”
Dave Hasney National Coordinator, UK SMART Recovery, England
“Excellent article [hot topic, What makes for an effective treatment service?] … a great help for my diploma.”
Liam Kelly
“I have subscribed for many years and worked in drugs and alcohol and as a mental health nurse for many years - this resource is invaluable.”
Rich Luck Staff Nurse, Surrey and Borders NHS Partnership, England and formerly Safer Injecting Services Coordinator, The Cambridge Centre, England
“This continues to be the very best resource that I know of across the English-speaking world to help translate and comment on important research findings and make them accessible (but never ‘dumbed-down’) to policy makers, practitioners and fellow researchers. It is a fantastic service and the Findings team are truly brilliant communicators, with vast in-depth knowledge of the field.”
Professor Richard Velleman Emeritus Professor of Mental Health Research, University of Bath, England and Co-Director, Addictions Research Group, Sangath Community Health NGO, India
“Have been training in the field of substance misuse for over 20 years. This resource continues to be invaluable to me. It helps to guide my training and offers me a solid evidence base from which to work. A unique and precious resource!”
Renato Masetti Substance Misuse Training Co-ordinator for Suffolk Health Outreach NHS, Essex Partnerships University Foundation Trust (EPUT), England
“A great and unique service accessible from across the world. Very useful to us in Melbourne Australia.”
Sam Biondo Executive Officer, Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association (VAADA), Australia
“Findings provides an excellent service to me as Course Coordinator for the Addiction Studies Diploma Programme and to my fellow tutors and all the students. As the courses we provide are mainly delivered at certificate and diploma level the material is ideally ‘pitched’ for our student population and the website is very easy to navigate.”
Stephen Harding Academic Programme Coordinator, Diploma in Addiction Studies, Maynooth University, Ireland
“I can’t imagine my/our professional development in the drug/alcohol field without your service. Or maybe I can but don’t want to. Keep going :).”
David Adamecek Director of Care and Quality, Advaita, Czech Republic
“Your work and commitment to research and development in the assessment and treatment of substance use and misuse is to be commended. Thank you and may you continue to provide this great service.”
Mo Afzal Mental health and substance misuse lecturer and practitioner (retired), United Kingdom
“When I first came into post completing sections of the alcohol and drug treatment matrices were part of my induction. They gave me a solid knowledge base and I have recommended them to others.”
Heather Wilson Health Improvement Officer (Alcohol & Drugs), Aberdeen City Alcohol & Drug Partnership, Scotland
“Findings has proved invaluable in developing my work with clients and keeping me updated on developments in the field.”
Andrew Bishop London, England
“When responsible for pastoral care for 16,000 university students your site was invaluable in keeping me in touch with current academic and evidence-based thinking on drug and alcohol problems.”
Dr Annie Grant Former Dean of Students, University of East Anglia, England
“Great job, creative and practical at once!”
Deborah Arthur Case manager, Magistrate’s Early Referral into Treatment (MERIT) programme, NSW Health, Australia
“A wonderful way of making digestible the deluge of information and more easily available.”
Dr David Marjot Addiction psychiatrist (retired), England
“I really appreciate the various layers of analysis: from a summary, to a more detailed view. The ‘recommendations’ is probably the most important aspect: linking evidence/research to practice. I also appreciate the objectivity: when the evidence is only indicative or is ambiguous, that is clearly stated.”
Victor Bilous SW Metro Catchment and Therapeutic Day Rehabilitation Program Manager, Odyssey House Victoria, Australia
“Best first-port-of-call for evidence on substance misuse issues. Saves so much time in researching. Great for my role as service development lead in NHS substance misuse to keep improving what we do and how we do it. The matrices are good for staff training and for refreshing information.”
Kym Barlow Service Improvement Lead, Community Drug and Alcohol Team, Hywel Dda University Health Board, Carmarthen, Wales
“Very vital information which helps our practice here in New Zealand.”
Rolan McConnell Whanau Support Worker – alcohol and drugs and domestic violence assessor, Whanau Support, Christchurch, New Zealand
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Professor Joachim Koerkel University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Innovative Addiction Treatment and Addiction Research, Germany
“This is a vital service for anyone who wants to improve treatment and recovery.”
Lynne Armstrong England
“Findings is far and away the most user-friendly source re alcohol/drug addictions available striking an optimum balance between high quality evidence-based programming, pragmatic applicability and human and workplace implications.”
Dr Richard Earle Managing Director, Canadian Institute of Stress/Hans Selye Foundation, Canada
“As a front line practitioner working in a NHS adult community mental health team, I find the weekly newsletters very accessible and readable; they are helping my learning about dual diagnosis clients.”
Patrick Gorman Social Worker and Specialist Recovery Practitioner, South Gloucester Recovery Team, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, England
“An extremely valuable resource for my work and studies. I have found the concise nature of the findings to be of particular use especially when trying to balance work, study and family!! It has contributed to my knowledge informed/evidence based practice.”
Michael Fidler Director, key worker and psychotherapist in training, Strawberry Fields, Lancaster, England
“The site provides me and others with a hugely comprehensive data-base of research and reports. Those in themselves are highly valuable but the Findings comments add to the value by indicating the value of specific documents and also putting any one document into a wider context.”
Blaine Stothard Blaine Stothard Consultancy, England
“This has been an invaluable resource to help us challenge our thinking and practice. The topics are often relevant and sometimes surprisingly so.”
James Ward Head of Quality, Changing Lives, England
“This is a great service! The analyses are independent, balanced, critical without being criticising, and help the reader to gain an insight and perspective into the issues concerned. The show MUST go on!”
Dr Debasish Basu Professor of Psychiatry, Drug De-addiction & Treatment Centre, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India
“Has really established itself over the years as an invaluable resource. It is my place to go, as the quality and commitment to research and analysis has not diminished over time. An excellent resource.”
Tibbs Pinter Chief Executive, Suffolk Young People’s Health Project (4YP), England
“I really appreciate the sound evidence and guidance provided in all elements of the service … you’re getting it just right for me!”
Jenny Nicholson Mental Health Nurse RMN, non-medical prescriber and mindfulness teacher, UK
“Great article (on therapeutic relationships).”
Thomas McCarthy Skills Based Coordinator, Core Youth Service, Inchicore, Ireland
“Great article [on countertransference management in psychotherapy].”
Thomas McCarthy Skills Based Coordinator, Core Youth Service, Inchicore, Ireland
“I always read the emails and use the site as it is a mine of information.”
Dr David Marjot Medical Council on Alcohol, England
“As a long-time student of 12 Steps … your review article is a paragon of thoroughness and usefulness.”
Dr Richard Earle Managing Director, Canadian Institute of Stress, Canada
“I cannot thank you enough for your very generous response and for helping me to view it in an orderly way … Your Findings resource to this field is invaluable.”
Marion Rackard Project Manager, HSE Alcohol Programme, Ireland
“I’ve been working in the drugs field for over 30 years but I am finding the concise, clear and authoritative Matrix Bites course invaluable for refreshing my knowledge and thinking, and bringing me new insights. Every Bite seems to arrive just as its subject matter is at its most pertinent and its content most needed.”
Steve Taylor Programme Manager, Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Division, Public Health England, England
“I remain astonished at your ability to integrate broad swathes of science in such an intelligent and concise fashion … thank you for your indefatigable efforts to disseminate scientific findings to a broad audience; this field would have very little impact without translators such as yourself.”
Professor Keith Humphreys Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University, USA
“Recently especially stimulated by posts [on] the importance of the client/patient relationship … I’ve widely shared your ‘addiction as a brain disease’ post. Great recap and very efficient reframing of the question. Your posts … illuminate the intercept … between evidence-based insights … and practice-focused applicability [and] provoke re-examination of assumptions that may have become a little too comfortable.”
Dr Richard Earle Managing Director, Canadian Institute of Stress, Canada
“Awesome! Analytic and practical. Your masterpiece is serving as a reference material for treatment and research in my non-governmental organisation committed to treatment and rehabilitation of substance misusers.”
Dr Suwa Go'ar Deputy Director, Consultant Psychiatrist, Quintessential Healthcare Center, Rayfield, Jos, Nigeria
“Excellent article summarising the [UK clinical guidelines on drug treatment] and outlining the complexities within them, acknowledging that these are unprecedented times of reduced funding, more complex needs, at times leading to premature death. It acknowledges the power dynamic between service users and clinicians, attempting to follow guidelines, service user choice and political ambition. I really appreciate having access to this summary.”
Bec Davison Director of Quality, Change, Grow, Live, England
“Absolutely brilliant site and service which I use almost every day in my work (research, education and clinical practice). Recommend matrices to everyone! I use the website for my masters module at the university and the students love it!”
Dr Anne Whittaker Senior Lecturer/Reader, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care, Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland and Substance Misuse Directorate, NHS Lothian, Scotland
“Impressive array of papers and topics covered. Evidence from such papers has helped develop existing services while shaping the design of new ones.”
John Thayers Recovery and Quality Improvement Officer, Midlothian and East Lothian Drugs and Alcohol Partnership, Scotland
“The quality and depth of information is the best. When it comes to drugs and alcohol Mike Ashton’s Findings is simply the best in the world.”
Tony Lee Recovery coach, UK
“This service is critical for many organisations like Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service. We use it a lot at the H.Q. and prisons.”
Michael Wheatley Senior Manager – Substance Misuse Services, Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service, England
“This is such a thoughtful write-up.”
Professor Keith Humphreys Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, USA and Senior Research Career Scientist, VA Health Services Research Center, Palo Alto, USA
“Problems of time, accessing original sources and interpreting complex material are solved … What is exceptional … is the sceptical eye brought to the material. In a field often dogged by believers prepared to fight their corners … Findings brings a refreshingly different approach. In the commentaries, Mike and his associates are like dogs with bones, gnawing at the material from numerous angles to tease out what is important for practitioners, service managers and commissioners. If this sounds daunting, it isn’t – research is summarised in plain English and the critiques are equally accessible. Some of the articles are, of their type, of world class.”
George Allan Chair, Scottish Drugs Forum, Scotland and lecturer in social work, Robert Gordon University, Scotland
“It’s an amazing resource, sifting through the research and presenting it in a straightforward way … Really easy to access relevant evidence base, also like the fact that you have the main and important points of the papers summarised for you … great resource that I recommend to colleagues and students at the university I lecture at.”
Sue Hudson Craufurd Psychological Therapies Nurse, Substance Misuse Directorate, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Scotland
“I think this is an outstanding service which I regularly read and apply to my work which includes influencing government policy as well as practice.”
Dr Lesley Graham Associate Specialist, Public Health, NHS National Services, Scotland
“I think this is a wonderful service. It sifts through most of the material out there to give us just the important bits neatly laid out in as concise a manner as possible.”
Dr John Mathew consultant psychiatrist in addictions, East London NHS Foundation Trust, England
“I love this site. It’s intelligent, focused and provides critical up to date research for work on the front line. It’s also just very convenient to have this info within an email rather than trawling over the net to find something you think you may or may not have heard of about practice.”
Kevin Jones substance misuse worker/counsellor, Youth Offending Team, London Borough of Tower Hamlets, England
“Fantastic service, especially email/twitter updates or prompts.”
Chris Lee Public Health Specialist: Behaviour Change, Lancashire County Council, England
“Continues to be the best resource that I know of, world-wide, to obtain extremely high-quality summaries of key studies and excellent syntheses of these findings. For me, the most influential and helpful resource that there is … thought-provoking summaries and analyses about what various findings mean.”
Professor Richard Velleman Emeritus Professor of Mental Health Research, University of Bath, England and Senior Research Fellow, Sangath Community Health NGO, Goa, India
“Superb! You guys are the best, world over.”
Dr Amy R. Krentzman Addiction Research Center, University of Michigan, USA
“Fantastic resource – our student nurses have been very impressed, notably with drug and alcohol matrices.”
Pete Duffield RAID nurse, Heartlands and Solihull Hospital, West Midlands, England
“Just wanted to thank you for posting the alcohol matrix bites – we are loving them.”
Clare Davies Residential Rehabilitation Manager, Windana therapeutic community, Melbourne, Australia
“This is obviously a good day for reading. This from @mike_ashton_ is excellent on the nature of addiction & recovery.”
Dr William Haydock Senior Health Programme Advisor, drug and alcohol treatment service commissioning, Public Health Dorset, England and Visiting Fellow, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Bournemouth University, England
“Brilliant article [hot topic on commissioning]. Well researched and well articulated.”
Bec Davison Director of Quality, Change, Grow, Live, England
“Fantastic service which enables us to challenge the status quo, invest in what works and use the plethora of evidence out there to plan services.”
Mr/Ms Smith City of Edinburgh Council, Scotland
“It has been a joy to find such an amazing up to date cutting edge research pool! As a drug and alcohol practitioner (10 years experience) I have craved for such a resource. Consistently your work has been my go-to for an evidence baseline and cutting edge peer reviewed resources. Your work is the international gold star for providing inspiration guidance support and peer reviewed resources in an outstanding intuitive user friendly format!”
Luke O’Mahoney Case manager and drug and alcohol service practitioner, Arcadia House, Directions, Canberra, Australia
“I think the service is brilliant. I love the way that it is simple to access, and readily available for anyone interested, for whatever reason.”
Richard Renson addictions therapist and recovery advocate, UK
“Clear, precise information presented in an excellent user friendly way … You are providing an astoundingly good service.”
David Lewis SMART Recovery facilitator, UK
“This is brilliant Mike, fascinating [hot topic on substitute prescribing]”
Oliver Standing Director of Policy and Communications, Adfam, England
“Great stuff, keep it coming. I don’t want to be able to do what you do, but I do want you to keep doing it for me. :)”
Chris Purnell Drug and Alcohol Task Force Co-ordinator, Ireland
Steve Taylor Programme manager, alcohol, drugs and tobacco division, Public Health England, England
“Makes skills development very accessible – love the fact that they [Drug and Alcohol Treatment Matrices] are truly bite-sized when compared to most other information circulated elsewhere.”
Gill Unstead Commissioning Manager, Devon Drug and Alcohol Action Team, England
“Succinct and erudite and written in relatively plain English for the non-cognoscenti. I am an extremely experienced commissioner and yet still find this resource [matrices] invaluable and insert it in service specifications.”
Andrew MacDonald former drug and alcohol service commissioner in London, Leeds and Salford, England and PhD Researcher, Centre for Public Health, Liverpool John Moores University, England
“It’s very valuable and I would like to see it made compulsory in all NHS, prison, and similar drugs services. Too much is based on fairy tales and folk thinking at the moment.”
Gillian Bridge Psycho-linguistic and resilience consultant, UK
“It is a very helpful site which allows one to efficiently access cutting edge, evidence-based information … You provide a fantastic service.”
Kevin Ducray Senior Clinical Psychologist, HSE National Drug Treatment Centre, Ireland
“The site is exactly what the field of addiction needs… that, and for practitioners to be willing to accept the data and change practice accordingly.”
Dr Jeffrey T. Junig Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Medical College of Wisconsin, USA and founder, Suboxone Talk Zone and SuboxForum, USA
“I have found this resource incredibly useful. It is thought-provoking, the matrices are well laid out and offer easily accessible and comprehensive information.”
Jenny Willmott Addictions Nurse (RGN), Glasgow Addiction Services, Scotland
“Thanks also for the brilliant matrices.”
Dr Michael Taylor GP with a special interest in addictions, England and Clinical Director for Wellbeing and Mental Health, Heywood Middleton & Rochdale PCT, England
“Wow!! This [matrices] is simply too good.”
Dr Abhijit Nadkarni Addictions psychiatrist, Sangath, Goa, India and Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellow, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England
“Wow – this is terrific stuff [matrices].”
Dr Audrey Freshman Director of Professional Development and Continuing Education, Adelphi University, New York, USA
“This [matrices] is a real tour de force. Brilliant.”
Mike Stewart Centre for Economic and Social Inclusion, England
“A potent motivator for fair and effective treatment in this field.”
Martin Schroder MidCentral District Health Board, New Zealand
“I want to make evidence-based decisions and keep on top of our changing field – Effectiveness Bank enables me to do this. I think this service is fantastic. I can’t imagine life without it. Links academia to actual decision making in the real world.”
Matthew Hibbert Joint Commissioning Manager, Somerset Drug and Alcohol Partnership, England
“Findings is a great alternative to the majority of research and reviews that come out of the States with little if any critical analysis. Regards and please keep up the great work.”
Ashley Koning Project lead, National Addiction Workforce Development Centre, New Zealand
“Excellent service provided by your site, which I’ve drawn on over a number of years. As an example, I have an association with our local needle exchange, and we recently discussed training staff and clients in the use of naloxone. The resource your site recently made us aware of is of great value (articles, video, etc) and I have no doubt it will be at the core of training.”
Dr Geoff Noller research consultant, New Zealand
“Invaluable, wouldn’t stand a chance of keeping up-to-date without you, please keep it up! Wish we could follow all the clinical possibilities that emerge from your info but at least we can remain aware and develop/implement/reinforce what we can.”
[Name supplied but anonymity requested] South & West Devon Drug & Alcohol Service, England
“An excellent service which prompts and provokes in equal measure. should be compulsory for all working in the field.”
Dr Patrick Reihill Service Development Lead, Addiction Services, Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust, England
“Being at the ‘uttermost part’ of the earth (New Zealand) it really gives us a good idea of where the rest of the world is at as far as research findings go … It is invaluable because it helps us as clinicians and an agency to keep up to date.”
Roly McConnell family health worker, He Waka Tapu, Christchurch, New Zealand
“Just to say brilliant.”
Dr Michael Taylor GP with a special interest in addictions, England and Clinical Director for Wellbeing and Mental Health, Heywood Middleton & Rochdale PCT, England
“Findings is a great service … I use the website and the email alerts as an integral part of my job. Saves me hours of work!”
Austin Smith Policy & Practice Officer, Scottish Drugs Forum, Scotland
“I saw the Manners Matter series for the first time a few days ago, and have been enthralled by the attention to detail in those discussions. Thank you for making these great resources available (a) at all; and (b) on the web for everyone’s use!”
Richard Ebling licensed clinical social worker, Utah, USA
“Being able to search key words often shows results that were not initially identified but yield interesting and inspiring/unexpected relevant guidance.”
G. Borrows , UK
“Drug and alcohol misuse/addictions is a very complex issue – it’s like having a learned friend close by – thanks.”
Brendan Nellis Substance Misuse Co-ordinator, Barnardo’s NI, Northern Ireland
“Drug and Alcohol Findings is just so well done and useful that reading it should be a required clinical performance measure! It looks like [it] is growing into a formidable world-force on alcohol/drug information. Thanks again for your service and most excellent work. Awesome!”
Dr John F. Kelly Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, USA and Associate Director, MGH-Harvard Center for Addiction Medicine, USA
“Thank you very much for your decision to feature our study on your site. I thought your write-up was an excellent and balanced presentation.”
Dr Randy Elder Guide to Community Preventive Services, USA
“It is a treat to get up-to-date, top-of-the-line drug research in the mailbox every other day, most of it very practically oriented.”
Liv Langberg Drammen Council Drug Addiction Prevention Centre, Norway
“Talk about timely … I’m a small part of a team … hired by the PCT to teach nurses to carry out brief interventions in primary care. Your critique is very helpful in that it helps us to plan what not to do and different ways to approach this issue.”
Ira Unell Coordinator, Leicestershire Community Drug and Alcohol Services, England
“Drug and Alcohol Findings is not a comic, it provides serious well referenced research.”
Bob Dunkley pharmacist, Leeds, England
“Excellent review of the literature [of relationship between pupil engagement in schools and substance use] which will be of great use to researchers.”
Dr Adam Fletcher London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, England
“It’s a great summary [of matching therapeutic style to the patient] and I am pleased that this work will find an audience in the treatment community.”
Dr Mitchell Karno Director of Alcohol Studies and Associate Research Psychologist, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, USA
“The research consultancy being provided by Findings to Scotland’s Futures Forum Project, ‘Fresh Perspectives on Alcohol and Drugs’, is proving to be immensely valuable.”
Mike McCarron formerly Coordinator, Scottish Alcohol and Drug Action Team Association, Scotland
“Thanks for the articles [Manners Matter series]. They are exceptional.”
Dr William L. White Senior Research Consultant, Chestnut Health Systems, USA
“I find Findings to be an excellent and extremely useful resource; I read it avidly.”
Greg Martin National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Australia
“We need something like this for the USA! I really like the compact text and the breakout Nuggets and the clarity. Now this is the kind of thing field practitioners can actually use. Mike is about as agenda-free as anyone I’ve ever met and enormously skillful at distilling research findings.”
Dr Charles Vaughan Therapist and Dual Diagnosis Specialist, Tulsa C.A.R.E.S., USA
“Findings – with the invaluable ‘Nuggets’ – provides us with one of the best shortcuts to a credible and comprehensive range of information on current practice, new ideas in intervention and education, and harm reduction literature. A truly excellent resource!”
Jean Wyldbore Local Alcohol and Drug Action Plan and Community Strengthening Initiative, Victoria, Australia
“Many thanks for the articles [on drug education; 1 2]. I found them fascinating and really skilful analyses. I have become a fan. A great design complements fine contents. Makes NIDA’s [US National Institute on Drug Abuse] Science & Practitioner Perspectives look second class.”
David McDonald Consultant in social research and evaluation, Australia and member of the Board of Directors of the Alcohol & Other Drugs Council of Australia, Australia
“I am ashamed to say I did not know of this journal but I am going to subscribe. I don’t think I have ever seen so much useful and well integrated information in one place. I just started at the front and couldn’t put [it] down.”
Dr A. Thomas McLellan Director, Treatment Research Institute, Philadelphia, USA and editor, Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
“This [series on needle exchange] is truly a seminal piece of work … It deserves to be talked about everywhere!”
Professor Neil Hunt Lecturer in Addictive Behaviours, Kent Institute for Medicine and Health Sciences, England
“An excellent and motivating concluding part to the series. It gives people clear pointers and suggestions as to how syringe exchange can be enhanced.”
Dr Ali Judd Centre for Research on Drugs and Health Behaviour, England
“Of the many available publications in this area, Findings is one of the few which I find genuinely useful and consistently stimulating.”
Jenny Kelsall VIVAIDS Inc., Victorian Drug User Organisation, Peer Education and Prison Overdose Prevention Program, Australia
“You are an excellent writer and make the essential points clearer. Thanks for the high quality of this review as it must have taken considerable time to ferret out the real essence of the importance of [the Strengthening Families Program] … No one has ever done that so well before.”
Dr Karol Kumpfer University of Utah and originator of the Strengthening Families Program, USA
“When Findings has addressed drug education, they have done so with their usual care and attention to detail, and have been ready to consult educators in their quest to move understanding forward. Education is not a quick easy panacea to future drug problems and needs the expertise to scrutinise research that Findings offers.”
Adrian King drug and health education specialist teacher, England
“Findings is a great mag and often of great use to us. The serendipity of seeing the paper just at the time it was so useful was magic.”
Russ Hayton Clinical and Service Governance Manager, Plymouth Drug and Alcohol Action Team, England
“Many thanks for the excellent material. I had in fact studied and used the “Idle Hands” article as a key document to underpin our thinking on Pathways into Employment up here.”
Mike McCarron Greater Glasgow Drug Action Team, Scotland
“Really does bridge the gap between research and practice. Excellent, authoritative and succinct.
Andrew Bennett Director, HIT, England
“I am familiar with Findings … it is fantastic. Keep up the great work!”
Kevin Irwin Department of Public Health, Yale University, USA
“I was impressed with your astute selection of issues covered … and particularly appreciated the applications you make of these findings. The overview of Doug Anglin’s work was excellent because of the way pieces were pulled together and integrated for the reader.”
Professor D. Dwayne Simpson Director, Institute of Behavioral Research, Texas Christian University, USA
“I have been recently reading with some interest your new journal. I am very impressed. The journal is a very valuable contribution to the field. I will do what I can to promote knowledge of its existence and to support its circulation.”
Professor Ann M. Roche Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, Australia
“Weighty papers, huge studies and complex themes are not only beautifully distilled but also linked to others on the same theme and put in to context.”
Dr Laurence Gruer Director of Public Health Science, Health Scotland, Scotland
“Superb – people who can’t digest all the literature can still feel up to date with the most relevant information.”
Barbara Elliott formerly director, Accept Services, London, England
“I read your article on Life Skills Training with great interest. You did a great job!”
Dr Reiner Hanewinkel Institute for Therapy and Health Research, Germany
“I’m really impressed with issues 1 and 2 – just what the field needs.”
Richard Elliott Coordinator, South West Drug Services Audit Project, England
Lorraine Hewitt Director, Stockwell Project, England and member, Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, UK
“Outstanding! I find (or make) so little time to read papers these days so I read issue 2 cover to cover yesterday. It was great, superb … You’ve done NTORS proud as well.”
Dr John Marsden National Addiction Centre
, England
“I was particularly impressed by a review of Project MATCH that seemed to me to explain the findings and their implications for UK practice remarkably well.”
Dr John Kemm Public Health Physician, writing in Addiction Today
“I have copied several articles for our staff – they are perfect to tantalise the taste buds and encourage people to look for the evidence because … it is actually out there! This is certainly the best single source of screened, collated and relevant data I have found.”
Dr Rod MacQueen Staff addiction medicine specialist, Lyndon Withdrawal Unit, Bloomfield Hospital, Australia
“Warm congratulations on your first issue. If subsequent issues are as good, I think you have a winner. I am immensely impressed by its professionalism. It is both stylish and authoritative.”
Professor Griffith Edwards Editor, Addiction journal, England
“An excellent first issue with useful information presented in a user-friendly and accessible format.”
Phil Willan Regional Manager, Drugs Prevention Advisory Service, England
“Many congratulations on issue one of Findings! I and others in my organisation, have found it very informative and highly readable. As someone responsible for R&D in substance misuse/addictions it has provided me with an excellent resource.”
Kim Clarke Research Coordinator, Substance Misuse & HIV/Addictions Division, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, England