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Click individual cells in the table below to see the documents selected for that cell and (see below) the Matrix Bite commentary. Alternatively, see this résumé of the entire Matrix Bites course for a more conventional row-by-row presentation.
Matrix Bites Fortnightly cell-by-cell introduction to the matrices cumulating to a foundation course on the treatment evidence-base. Each bite was incorporated in its cell in the table and remains available for you access. Click row title for an introduction to that row’s bites, or click a cell and in the resulting page unfold the bite by clicking the Matrix Bite link at the bottom.
Staff working directly with clients and patients may find columns A and B most relevant;
Their managers columns C and D;
Commissioners and planning partnerships column E.
Staff in generic services such as primary care may find row 1 most relevant;
Staff in specialist medical services rows 2 and 3;
Counsellors and therapists in specialist services rows 2 and 4;
Staff working for the criminal justice system rows 2 and 5.
Where available, each cell includes links (or links to corresponding Effectiveness Bank analyses) to a few:
S Seminal studies from the past of lasting relevance
K Key studies; usually more recent studies of particular importance
R Reviews of the research on this topic
G Guidelines on practice based on research
more Searches for other relevant documents on the Effectiveness Bank web site
Intervention level
A InterventionsTechniques, programmes, equipment, therapies or medications ... more |
B PractitionersStaff attributes, training, skills, qualifications, and competencies ... more |
C Management/ supervisionSelecting, training and managing staff and managing interventions ... more |
D Organisational functioningWhat kinds of organisations foster effectiveness at levels A, B and C ... more |
E Treatment
1 Screening and brief interventionIdentifying and advising people not seeking help for their drinking but who might benefit from it ... more |
2 Generic and cross-cutting issuesAffecting medical and psychosocial treatments and criminal justice work ... more |
3 Medical treatmentTreatment in a medical context involving medical care, usually medications ... more |
4 Psychosocial therapies‘Talking therapies’ in which human interaction is the main active ingredient ... more |
5 Safeguarding the communityFunded or ordered to safeguard the wider community, or studies of these impacts ... more |
Developed by Drug and Alcohol Findings working with the Substance Misuse Skills Consortium. Supported by the Society for the Study of Addiction and Alcohol Change UK.
© Drug and Alcohol Findings. Illustrative samples or small sections of table and contents may be reproduced subject to an acknowledgment of the source and copyright holder as follows:
From Alcohol Treatment Matrix (, copyright Drug and Alcohol Findings.
For more extensive use contact Drug and Alcohol Findings.
Comments and queries to Findings editor.