Effectiveness Bank web site Bulletin
Supported by  Alcohol Research UK web site   Society for the Study of Addiction web site
Effectiveness Bank additions 8 June 2016
Narrowing down from whole populations to the most marginalised individuals, we ask whether alcohol tax rises would be an acceptable alternative to minimum pricing. Then alcohol screening and brief interventions to intercept problems in young people before they develop. And finally, housing first interventions for homeless people with mental health and substance use problems.

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Minimum pricing for alcohol targets harm better than tax rises
Whether alcohol tax rises would be an acceptable and effective alternative could determine the legality under EU law of minimum alcohol pricing in Scotland. This analysis predicts tax rises would curb consumption and save lives, but also hit the pockets of non-harmful drinkers.
Also see Effectiveness Bank hot topic on minimum pricing for alcohol in the UK.

Detecting alcohol use disorders with a single question
A US study of young people in rural primary care settings found that a single question about frequency of drinking accurately identified what the US authorities see as problem drinking in this age range, offering a quick way to screen teenagers for risky drinking.

“Inconclusive” verdict on brief alcohol advice for young emergency patients
That was the verdict of a review of the effectiveness of brief alcohol interventions among 11–21-year-old emergency patients in the USA. Most promising targets seem to have been the more heavily or irresponsibly drinking among patients who were young adults rather than adolescents.
Also see international review of similar studies among young adults.

Housing first helps reduce drinking but not drug use
Housing first interventions give immediate and stable accommodation for homeless people with mental health and substance use problems. Over 24 months in Canada, housing first contributed to reductions in drinking problems, but did not have an impact on drug use problems.
Also added to the Effectiveness Bank
Intensive motivational interviewing for treating methamphetamine dependence

The Alcohol and Drug Treatment Matrices: core research selected and explored
Alcohol matrix for alcohol brief interventions and treatment
Drug matrix for harm reduction and treatment in relation to illegal drugs

The Drug and Alcohol Findings Effectiveness Bank offers a free mailing list service updating subscribers to UK-relevant evaluations of drug/alcohol interventions. Findings is supported by Alcohol Research UK and the Society for the Study of Addiction and advised by the National Addiction Centre and the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals.