The entries below are our accounts of documents collected by Drug and Alcohol Findings as relevant to improving outcomes from drug or alcohol interventions in the UK. The original documents were not published by Findings; click on the Titles to obtain copies. Free reprints may also be available from the authors. If displayed, click prepared e-mail to adapt the pre-prepared e-mail message or compose your own message. The Summary is intended to convey the findings and views expressed in the document. Below may be a commentary from Drug and Alcohol Findings.
Three entries in the bulletin examine screening and brief alcohol interventions which play a key role in UK policy for reducing the public health burden of excessive drinking. The fourth concerns what in the arena of the rehabilitation of drug-related offenders in Britain is an equally prominent intervention – the ASRO group therapy programme.
Inpatients often gain little more from alcohol advice than from screening ...
Alcohol screening/brief advice: it can work, but how do you get it to happen? ...
How many hazardous drinkers are identified and advised in London hospitals? ...
Group CBT fails to reduce reconviction rate among UK offenders ...