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Effectiveness Bank additions 29 October 2015 | ||
Courtesy of the EU’s drug misuse centre, a comprehensive overview of the evidence on prevention; from Brazil, rarely studied but important influences on the implementation of brief alcohol interventions, and from the USA, evidence that even when implemented, impacts may be lacking; finally, the puzzling ‘effects’ of aftercare following treatment for cannabis dependence. In the ‘Also added’ section, an unusual application of brief interventions, buprenorphine-based treatment for opiate dependence, and what does success look like when abstinence is not the overriding benchmark? Choose analyses to view by scrolling down and clicking the blue titles. Click button below to view this message as a web page. |
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Prevention overview from EU’s drug misuse centre |
Based largely on existing reviews, this report comprehensively assesses substance use prevention approaches. Among its conclusions are that approaches based solely on information are ineffective, in contrast to more positive evidence for lifeskills and multi-component community programmes. | ||
Positive organisational climate promotes screening and brief intervention |
From Brazilian primary care clinics, confirmation that a positive organisational climate featuring commitment to staff development and good links with the community is associated with overcoming implementation barriers which undermine the public health potential of alcohol screening and brief intervention. | ||
Brief alcohol interventions not effective in real-world conditions |
What has been recognised as the world’s most successful effort to implement alcohol brief interventions across an entire health system had no significant impacts on the drinking of US ex-military personnel, seen as a prime example of the disappointing results of these interventions in real-world conditions. | ||
Also see from the same US health service these other studies of brief alcohol interventions (1 2) and of screening. | ||
Aftercare check-ups help sustain treatment gains |
Arranging aftercare check-ups to see how cannabis-dependent patients were doing and whether they needed to return to treatment helped sustain cannabis use reductions – but why did this advantage emerge even before the first check-up? | ||
Also added to the Effectiveness Bank | ||
Rare study trialling a brief intervention for ecstasy users | ||
Guide for nurses on buprenorphine-based treatment for opiate dependence | ||
Review of buprenorphine treatment for opiate-dependent women | ||
What does ‘success’ mean in harm reduction counselling services? | ||
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The Drug and Alcohol Findings Effectiveness Bank offers a free mailing list service updating subscribers to UK-relevant evaluations of drug/alcohol interventions. Findings is supported by Alcohol Research UK and the Society for the Study of Addiction and advised by the National Addiction Centre and the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Professionals. |