The entries below summarise documents collected by Drug and Alcohol Findings. Citation here does not imply that these documents are particularly relevant to Britain and of particular merit, though they may well be both. The original documents were not published by Findings; click on the Titles to obtain copies. Free reprints may also be available from the authors; if displayed, click Request reprint to send or adapt the pre-prepared e-mail message. The Summary is intended to convey the findings and views expressed in the study. Below may be comments from Drug and Alcohol Findings. Links to source documents are in blue. Hover mouse over orange text for explanatory notes.
Visible minority drug users in the European criminal justice system ...
Review of medications to reduce craving for heroin ...
The relationships between drinking and disease across a population ...
Short and long-term impacts of alcohol taxes on mortality rates ...
Enforcement crackdowns fail to reduce drink-driving in France ...
Ethnicity affects who cuts back after emergency department brief alcohol intervention ...
Matching ethnicity of patients and counsellors maximises impact of brief alcohol intervention ...
Emergency department brief alcohol intervention works only for dependent patients ...