Effectiveness Bank Bulletins
Archive of bulletins sent to mailing list (the list is now closed) subscribers alerting them to the evaluation studies, reviews and other documents relevant to improving outcomes from drug or alcohol interventions in the United Kingdom. Latest bulletin listed first. Move mouse over date to see contents list. Click on date for full bulletin or in contents list for selected items.
- 30 October
- 12 October
- 31 July
- 16 June Undoing the ‘double bind’ of homelessness and substance use problems Lifesaving potential of mounting a large-scale harm reduction programme US study finds protective effect of opioid substitution therapies not being fully realised Time really does make a difference to primary care brief intervention delivery UPDATED Paying services for success leads to fewer successful treatments
- 30 April
- 27 March
- 20 January
- 22 November
- 25 October
- 10 September ‘We have to put out the fire before we rebuild the house’ ‘Fundamental mismatch’ between problems prisoners face and level of support they receive Is the evidence for residential treatment getting better? Major trial of ways to extend brief alcohol interventions UPDATED Can the disappointing roll-out of brief alcohol interventions be cost-effectively turned around?
- 30 July
- 27 June
- 31 May ‘No effect’ from targeting child drinking via the parents REVISED Therapy ‘toolbox’ helps rescue poorly recovering patients at London maintenance clinic New strategy for tackling drugs and drug use problems in prisons in England and Wales UK’s first pilot of onsite ‘drug checking’ service REVISED “Game-changer” opiate addiction medication proves effective in US trial
- 26 April
- 23 April
Therapy relationships that work 4: Managing perceptions of the treatment
Overview Patients who expect the best are more likely to get it Outcomes best from therapies which ‘make sense’ to clients Feedback on client progress among most effective ways to improve outcomes - 15 April
Therapy relationships that work 3: Managing the relationship
Overview ‘Therapist, know thyself’ Guidance on some of the trickiest decisions therapists have to make Emotional reactions ‘drive effective therapy’ Therapist–client tension productive if resolved - 8 April
Therapy relationships that work 2: Elements of the alliance
Overview Therapist empathy more closely related to outcomes than therapy type Make patients partners in therapy Affirming the client promotes recovery Fundamental rule for therapists: know and be who you are - 1 April
Therapy relationships that work 1: The alliance
Overview Liking each other is a good foundation for therapy Strong working relationships help clients get where they want to be Managing multiple relationships in couple and family therapies Working relationships matter for young clients too Cohesive groups make greater progress - 11 March
- 29 January
- 17 December
- 29 November Naloxone rescue kits empowering peers of drug users to ‘save lives’ in Scotland EU and UK at odds over drug consumption rooms Think more than twice before detoxifying from methadone Treating stimulants with stimulants: the case of amphetamine UPDATED Mindfulness meditation promising but unproven addiction therapy
- 19 October From England, signs that tighter licensing policies have reduced serious alcohol-related harm Could low income areas experience the greatest health benefits of a minimum pricing policy? Review finds that brief alcohol advice in relatively normal primary care practice reduces drinking Unique trial tested what emergency doctors should do when screening identifies opioid dependence What do we know about reducing alcohol-related harm among gay and bisexual men? Substance use a major factor in women’s (re)offending REVISED Making drug courts more effective and more cost-effective
- 31 August Can we say with confidence that minimum unit pricing works? Ways to curb concentrated harm among older drinkers UK study finds buprenorphine’s lifesaving lead over methadone has been undermined by poorer retention Baclofen for alcohol dependence: too useful to ignore, or too dangerous to prescribe? Medication is key to tackling US ‘opioid epidemic’, says government agency
- 19 July
- 22 May EU report on whether rewards for abstinence aid medication-based treatment The counsellor is an ‘active ingredient’ in recovery, says classic study The relapse prevention effects of extended-release naltrexone US trial supports methadone equivalent for cocaine dependence UPDATED French committee says risks of baclofen outweigh benefits
- 24 April
- 15 March
- 26 February
- 18 January
- 27 October
- 8 September
- 24 August British prisons struggle to keep up with changes in drug use New strategy sets out ‘ambitions for full recovery’ Evidence, experience, and orthodoxy – pillars of UK drug treatment guidance Did the UK Government’s 2010 drug strategy tick all the boxes? REVISED Preserving the benefits of residential care
- 8 August
- 21 July
- 8 June
- 5 May
- 28 March
- 27 February
- 21 December
- 13 December Do we inadvertently make it hard to start and stay with alcohol treatment? Naltrexone and acamprosate best suited to different alcohol treatment goals Worth supplementing buprenorphine with therapy? REVISED Clients of Danish drug consumption room reduce public injecting Aspirational, but achievable, standards of care for adults with drug-use problems REVISED Evidence from the European Union’s drug misuse monitoring centre about the benefits of drug consumption rooms
- 8 November Emergency department brief interventions for harmful drug use Brief emergency unit alcohol advice nearly halves readmissions From the start treatment should target social reintegration Maintenance prescribing saves lives of English heroin addicts REVISED Impact of interventions with ‘challenging’ families uncertain
- 17 October
- 27 September Tackling drugs and alcohol a priority in new crime strategy REVISED Scottish national naloxone programme saved lives after release from prison Life-saving potential of overdose education and nasal naloxone Shared decision-making in substance use treatment UK students resistant to promising drink-reduction tactic
- 29 August
- 22 July
- 8 June Minimum pricing for alcohol targets harm better than tax rises Detecting alcohol use disorders with a single question “Inconclusive” verdict on brief alcohol advice for young emergency patients Housing first helps reduce drinking but not drug use Intensive motivational interviewing for treating methamphetamine dependence
- 16 May
- 11 April
- 22 March Who should come first in the queue for hepatitis C treatment? Reducing HIV risk among offenders Little impact from brief alcohol advice in London sexual health clinics Workplace education improved knowledge without affecting drinking Mobile clinic cost-effectively improved treatment of injection-related wounds To curb student drinking, focus on social losses but health gains Paying treatment services to meet standards improves performance
- 19 February Which UK nation wins on evidence-based alcohol policy? Problem drinking hospital patients reject treatment Did prison methadone save lives in Scotland? Staying on methadone saves lives British public think TV alcohol ads breach advertising code Psychotherapy betters usual treatment for personality disordered problem drinkers
- 23 December Does testing positive for hepatitis C prompt risk reduction? Study exposes influence of counsellor in brief interventions Large reduction in drinking after Dutch web-based treatment Authoritative review queries need for extended therapy for cannabis use Reviewers assess ‘what works’ for cannabis users with mental health problems Do risky student drinkers respond better to longer brief interventions? Heroin prescribing reduces crime more than methadone
- 29 October Prevention overview from EU’s drug misuse centre Positive organisational climate promotes screening and brief intervention Brief alcohol interventions not effective in real-world conditions Aftercare check-ups help sustain treatment gains Rare study trialling a brief intervention for ecstasy users Guide for nurses on buprenorphine-based treatment for opiate dependence Review of buprenorphine treatment for opiate-dependent women What does ‘success’ mean in harm reduction counselling services?
- 13 October Boosters needed for brief advice to cut drinking of young emergency patients Follow-up call needed for trauma unit alcohol advice to cut drinking Small change to preventive messages could prompt heavy drinkers to seek help Re-offending not reduced by court-ordered alcohol treatment in England European GPs identify less than a third of the problem drinkers among their patients Just two questions identified 9 in 10 US primary care patients with drug use problems US citizenship programme reduced substance use and enhanced quality of life Expert US guidance on treating opioid addiction
- 14 September Computerised drinking interventions lack power Brief advice prompts reduced drinking in GP and emergency patients ‘No need for enforcement’ to control sports-club drinking Parental limit-setting was key to alcohol use prevention Computerised brief intervention improved alcohol abstinence and pregnancy outcomes No significant effects of brief interventions to curb 21st birthday drinking Increased alcohol taxes significantly reduced alcohol-related driving deaths Bleach best way to clean hepatitis C contaminated syringes
- 18 August Official UK aid to decisions on alcohol prevention and treatment Drug triples post-detox alcohol abstinence rate Alcohol brief interventions seem bargain for England High abstinence rate among offenders injected with long-acting opiate-blocker Intensive coaching in parenting works for mums in residential treatment Chronic disease model promotes feelings of being helpless to recover US college students drank less after online risk-reduction programme Playing sports linked with more drinking but less illicit drug use
- 31 July Should we teach young teens to drink more safely? Learning by example transforms doctors’ recognition of problem drinking Alcohol treatment could save 12,000 lives a year in EU Alcohol taxes fall, deaths rise in Finland Does physical exercise help prevent or overcome drug use problems? On average opioid maintenance in Taiwan prolongs life by eight years Effectiveness and safety of long-acting naltrexone for heroin dependence
- 20 July
- 25 June
- 18 June
- 21 May
- 23 April
- 10 April
- 11 March
- 4 February
- 21 January
- 19 December
- 24 November
- 20 October
- 26 September
- 28 August
- 24 July
- 26 June
- 30 May
- 15 April
- 20 March
- 13 February
- 21 January
More naloxone needed to cut opiate overdose deaths Brief alcohol advice might help with emergency department overload ‘Empathy gap’ in private alcohol treatment, poor NHS systems? Should parents introduce their underage children to drink? Crucial UK report aims to rehabilitate methadone as a recovery tool Fewer patients but improving treatment outcomes in England
- 18 December
- 22 November
- 30 October
- 27 September
- 11 September
- 24 August
- 15 August
- 25 July
- 15 July
- 3 July
- 25 June
- 11 June
- 22 May
- 8 May
- 11 April
- 26 March
- 18 March
- 25 February Getting the right people from the start is key to effective training and therapy The client is walking towards a hole; do you shout 'Stop' or suggest they consider the pros and cons? Methadone doctors have to learn to be patient-centred and relinquish control Overcoming staff bias against maintenance and harm reduction
- 20 February Electronic prompts mean more primary care patients get advised about drinking Leadership commitment needed to implement electronic alcohol advice prompts Most risky drinkers missed in primary care because patients underreport drinking How to assess progress in implementing screening and brief alcohol interventions What it takes to implement alcohol screening and brief intervention
- 15 February Addiction treatment numbers fall in Scotland but hepatitis C is on the rise Unmet need undermines contribution of alcohol treatment in England UK clinical guidance on treating dependent drinkers Young treatment refusers can be engaged in treatment Top-level evidence-based advice on national illegal drug policy
- 28 January First major report from crucial English alcohol screening and brief intervention trials Rapid withdrawal and opiate-blockers work for Iranian addicts Give injectors foil to promote smoking instead say UK advisers No youth health benefits after alcopops tax hike in Australia Switching erodes impact of doubling alcopops price in Germany
- 17 January
- 8 January
- 20 December
- 28 November
- 6 November
- 30 October
- 22 October
- 8 October Expert advice on how to get the treatment system working better Global performance feedback no use to counsellors Feedback on individuals helps counsellors reverse poor progress Common treatment quality yardstick poor reflection of patient progress US payment-by-results scheme did not improve engagement with treatment Acid test for implementing evidence-based treatment
- 19 September
- 10 September
- 30 August
- 11 August
- 9 August
- 24 July
- 18 July
- 5 July Successful completion really does indicate successful treatment More drug addicts overcoming dependence and leaving treatment Crime cut among offenders entering addiction treatment Crime dividend makes cutting addiction treatment a false economy More under-18s successfully complete alcohol/drug treatment...
- 21 June
- 15 June
- 10 June Threat of aversive disulfiram reaction does deter drinking Disulfiram as post-detoxification norm rather than niche option Danish patients just stop taking the tablets Major UK trial finds supervised disulfiram cuts drinking Landmark US study suggests compliance is key to disulfiram treatment (PDF download)
- 23 May
- 8 May 10-minute web alcohol check-up and advice leads 1000s to cut back CBT programme for harmful drinkers passes lab and real-world tests Too soon to get rid of the therapists Internet self-help low-cost way to extend public health impact of alcohol interventions On-line alcohol interventions would improve health care value for money
- 21 April
- 10 April Crime lower among clients of probation officers trained to tailor supervision Adjusting sentencing to offender need and risk reduces crime Extensive review bemoans evidence quality but supports drug courts US Congress expenditure watchdog endorses drug courts Ways to make drug courts more effective and more cost-effective
- 28 March
- 15 March
- 5 March UK clinical guidance on treating dependent drinkers UK clinical guidance on treating acute alcohol withdrawal UK guidance on commissioning services for problem drinkers UK health quality standards on identifying and caring for problem drinkers UK public health guidance on preventing problem drinking
- 29 February
- 27 February Implants help sustain heroin abstinence after detoxification Implants equal methadone as a prison-community bridging treatment False confidence leads formerly addicted prisoners to reject in-prison treatment Despite implants a quarter of patients repeatedly used opiates Half implanted patients opt for a second implant
- 16 February
- 9 February
- 25 January
- 19 January
- 10 January
- 20 December
- 5 December
- 18 November
- 3 November Methadone improves as well as saves lives Methadone both a platform for and limit on a good quality of life Methadone plus syringes strong harm reduction combination Commissioning guidance from English treatment improvement authority No long-term substance use prevention impacts from early years support
- 24 October
- 6 October
- 16 September
- 12 September
- 5 September
- 2 September
- 24 August
- 19 August
- 16 August
- 27 July
- 22 July
- 15 July
- 30 June
- 22 June
- 10 June
Leading US school-based prevention programme fails independent test No success for school counselling/education for troubled US teens US college uses internet to start new students drinking more safely Prison alternative turns round lives of child substance users with multiple problems Productivity savings for US firms which counsel risky drinking staff
- 27 May
Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Psychotherapy relationships that work II Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Alliance in individual psychotherapy Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: The alliance in child and adolescent psychotherapy Findings abstract: Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Alliance in couple and family therapy Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Cohesion in group therapy Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Empathy Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Goal consensus and collaboration Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Positive regard Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Congruence/genuineness Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Collecting client feedback Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Repairing alliance ruptures Evidence-based psychotherapy relationships: Managing countertransference Evidence-based therapy relationships: Research conclusions and clinical practices
- 13 May
- 26 April
Guidance for British GPs on prescribing for heroin addicted patients Local alcohol-related public health measures in England lack commitment and coherence Why some drinkers prefer global on-line AA groups to face-to-face meetings Fragmented attempt to help US parents with substance use problems Electrically stimulating brain reduced cravings for alcohol
- 5 April
- 31 March
- 21 March
Inside story of UK national youth substance use prevention guidance Routine school meetings for parents used to help prevent adolescent drinking Implications of the polarisation of UK drinking patterns Drug misuse and associated statistics for Scotland How English drug/alcohol services can help clients gain employment What is the baseline rate of recovery from drug dependence? Reducing risky sex among substance use patients
- 15 March
Intensive monitoring offers new paradigm for long-term recovery Remarkable success rates of physician health programmes Drug using offenders tested intensively do well without treatment US drink-drivers respond to threat of imprisonment for substance use 99% tests alcohol-free among monitored drink-drive defendants Intensive testing and sanctions cut drink-drive re-offending Originator explains drink-drive testing and sanctions programme
- 11 March
What works for whom: tailoring psychotherapy to the person Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Stages of change Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Preferences Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Culture Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Coping style Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Expectations Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Attachment style Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Resistance/reactance level Adapting psychotherapy to the individual patient: Religion and spirituality
- 25 February
- 11 February
UK policy recommendations for pre-school prevention Whether after inpatient or outpatient detox, opiate abstinence rarely lasts 4 in 10 who die from drugs in Scotland were recently in treatment How the pilot English and Welsh drug courts are working Swiss dissect brief intervention to find out what makes it tick (or not) Providing injecting paraphernalia may reduce sharing of this equipment
- 10 February
UK government assesses the likely impacts of alcohol price rises How alcohol pricing might affect the health of the British population Higher prices and taxes on alcohol help prevent crime Economic impacts of alcohol pricing policy options in the UK Will the poor be most affected by an end to cheap alcohol?
- 26 January
- 20 January
Visible minority drug users in the European criminal justice system Review of medications to reduce craving for heroin The relationships between drinking and disease across a population Short and long-term impacts of alcohol taxes on mortality rates Enforcement crackdowns fail to reduce drink-driving in France Ethnicity affects who cuts back after emergency department brief alcohol intervention Matching ethnicity of patients and counsellors maximises impact of brief alcohol intervention Emergency department brief alcohol intervention works only for dependent patients
- 12 January
Whole person recovery: a user-centred systems approach Is the therapeutic community an evidence-based treatment? The Patel report: Reducing drug-related crime and rehabilitating offenders A meta-analytic review of school-based prevention for cannabis use How classic Vietnam veterans addiction study changed our view of heroin Community reinforcement and family training engage treatment-resistant individuals Review of user perceptions of treatment staff training requirements
- 31 December
- 21 December
Drug strategy 2010. Reducing demand, restricting supply, building recovery Drugs, crime and public health: the political economy of drug policy Problem drug users: experiences of employment and the benefit system Alcohol misusers: experiences of employment and the benefit system Population estimates of alcohol misusers who access DWP benefits Incentives raise participation in a family drug-use prevention programme Screening and assessment in adolescent substance abuse treatment programmes Community prevention intervention to reduce adolescent use of harmful legal products Cognitive enhancement as a pharmacotherapy target for stimulant addiction Heroin-assisted treatment in Switzerland: a case study in policy change
- 30 September
- 27 August
- 29 July
- 28 June
- 28 May
- 31 March
- 26 February
- 5 February
- 23 December
- 26 November
- 21 October
- 28 September
- 21 August
- 5 August
- 20 July
- 2 July
- 18 June
- 3 June
- 26 May
- 27 April
- 15 April
- 6 April
- 18 March
- 14 March
- 1 March
- 26 February
Accreditation drives up treatment outcomes, cost-containment drives them down Intensive, continuing, holistic, practical support helps welfare mothers escape dependency Housing and work help homeless and workless; benefits of yoking to abstinence less clear GPs save time by 'as needed' consultations after brief alcohol interventions
- 23 February
- 19 January
- 8 January
Minimum alcohol pricing and promotion controls will bring major benefits for UK Methadone-maintained do just as well as opioid-free therapeutic community residents Universal provision versus targeting prevention at high risk youth Too few syringe disposal sites? Cafes, churches and shop toilets can plug the gap
- 17 December
‘Real world’ trial finds emergency patients drink less after brief intervention Multi-national WHO study trials primary care brief intervention for illegal drug use Should methadone maintenance be started before prisoners are released? Does residential rehabilitation deliver more heroin abstinence per £ than methadone?
- 8 December
Reducing alcohol harm: health services in England Measuring performance of brief alcohol counselling in medical settings Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment for drug and alcohol use Network support for drinking and client-treatment matching Primary care alcohol intervention: ranking health impact and cost effectiveness
- 7 November
Benefits of residential care preserved by systematic, persistent and welcoming aftercare prompts Internationally proven community alcohol crime and harm reduction programmes feasible in Britain Brief contact and written advice as effective as a longer talk for heavy drinking hospital patients International review and UK guidance on merits of buprenorphine versus methadone maintenance
- 7 August
- 9 April
- 14 February
- 7 January
Patchy performance of UK offender treatment initiatives Botched response to crack using offenders Treatment on bail makes little discernable difference Testing on arrest scatter gun nets some extra treatment entrants Testing children pointless but arrest referral offers early intervention opportunities ‘Most promising' alcohol prevention programme tried with poor black US families Self-financing resident-run houses maintain recovery after treatment Concern over abstinence outcomes in Scotland's treatment services