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The grand design: lessons from DATOS 1321Kb PDF file

US drug treatment was under fire, over-stretched and facing the new challenge of crack cocaine when the huge DATOS study set out to test whether it was still delivering benefits, how it worked, and how it could be made better. Truly essential reading.

Investing in alcohol treatment: brief interventions 1279Kb PDF file

Second instalment of the comprehensive review funded by Australia's health department examines brief talks to heavy drinkers identified at hospitals or in primary care. Do they work, and how can staff be encouraged to implement them?

Defeating DTs 446Kb PDF file

In 1969 a groundbreaking study established the benzodiazepines as the treatment of choice for preventing life-threatening complications from alcohol withdrawal. Expert commentary on the study plus the reflections of the original researcher.

There is an alternative: buprenorphine maintenance 1258Kb PDF file

A team led by one of the most respected authorities in the world on drug-based treatments for opiate dependence assesses the evidence for a drug emerging as the most promising alternative to methadone.

Seventh glossary of technical terms related to the evaluation of interventions 263Kb PDF file

Updated and additional scientific and statistical definitions adapted to the context of drug and alcohol interventions.

STUDY A way to encourage drinkers to stick with naltrexone treatment 199Kb PDF file

STUDY Drug users who continue to inject still respond well to hepatitis C treatment 155Kb PDF file

REVIEW Community reinforcement approach to treatment comes of age 160Kb PDF file

STUDY Rapid opiate detox guarantees completion, but abstinence depends on what follows 105Kb PDF file

STUDY Drug-related youth work – it's not only about drugs 226Kb PDF file

STUDY Involving parents as well as children may improve drug prevention outcomes 176Kb PDF file

STUDY Police crackdowns: environmental and community changes sustain impact 240Kb PDF file

REVIEW Convincing evidence that acamprosate and naltrexone help prevent alcohol relapse 174Kb PDF file

STUDY Non-returners benefit from making initial alcohol treatment assessment into a brief intervention 178Kb PDF file

STUDY Still little evidence for matching client with same-gender or same-race therapist 164Kb PDF file

STUDY No harm and some benefit in letting methadone patients choose their dose 183Kb PDF file

STUDY For crack users, non-residential rehabilitation can match residential 431Kb PDF file

STUDY Group cognitive-behavioural therapy can work well and save money 172Kb PDF file

STUDY Holistic family therapy preferable to less comprehensive therapy for troubled teens 209Kb PDF file

STUDY Growth in youth drinking curbed by correcting 'normative' beliefs 173Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Audit Commission paints a stark picture of drug treatment in England and Wales 237Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Remarkable confluence of views with profound implications for treatment 239Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Web-based support for staff dealing with alcohol problems in primary care 228Kb PDF file

OFFCUT Syringe exchange bolstered by heavyweight support from the UN and the USA 236Kb PDF file

Overdose causes and prevention

Investing in alcohol treatment

In treatment, manners matter

Hepatitis C and needle exchange

Wet day centres in Britain