Information services at associated agencies
focuses on research evaluating interventions intended to reduce drug or alcohol problems. There is a wider world of research (for example on the extent and causes of substance use problems and effects on health and society) and of policy and practice news and comment. This is where our former and current partners and supporting bodies can help. Here are some of the information services they provide.

Society for the Study of Addiction
A learned society which promotes the coming together of professionals in the field of the addictions to share their knowledge, skills, and friendships. It aims to support, facilitate, and enhance the work of its members for the mutual benefit of all concerned with the study of addiction. Visit web site to join and gain member access to the leading journals Addiction and Addiction Biology.
Addiction A peer-reviewed journal which publishes top quality international research. Published by Wiley on behalf of the Society.
Addiction Biology Focuses on neuroscience contributions and aims to advance our understanding of the action of drugs of abuse and addictive processes. Published by Wiley on behalf of the Society.

Alcohol Change UK
Alcohol Change UK is a leading UK alcohol charity, formed from the merger of Alcohol Concern and Alcohol Research UK. Driven by the vision of a world with no serious alcohol harm, Alcohol Change UK works to create five evidence-based changes: improved knowledge, better policies and regulation, shifted cultural norms, improved drinking behaviours, and more and better support and treatment.
Publications Research reports funded by Alcohol Change UK. Research reports funded by Alcohol Change UK.
Alcohol news Regularly updated events, news and initiatives related to drinking in the UK.

Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners
Holds the professional register for people who work in the addiction treatment sector, and provides a range of qualifications and accreditation. In partnership with SMMGP from February 2017, the Federation of Drug and Alcohol Practitioners provides a support network for those who work in the addictions treatment sector, providing members with news, events, quality assurance and high quality professional development. Portal with pages on workforce development, professional standards, magazines and journals, and careers in the field.

Substance Misuse Skills Consortium
Independent, sector-led initiative to maximise the ability of the UK treatment workforce by identifying what they need to promote better outcomes, reviewing and developing initiatives to attract and retain the workforce, and equipping practitioners and managers with relevant skills. Was instrumental in creating the Effectiveness Bank matrices. No longer operational.
Alcohol Policy UK
Alcohol Policy UK
News and analysis for the alcohol harm reduction field in the UK. Join blog mailing list for regular updates.

Successor to DrugScope, a founding partner in Drug and Alcohol Findings and the national information service on the misuse of drugs until closure in 2015. DrugWise was established in 2016 to offer some of DrugScope’s services and to develop new services based on similar principles.
DS Daily Keep up-to-date with news relating to drug and alcohol use and misuse in Britain and internationally with this free e-mail alert service. See news entries to date and sign up for the service.
International Knowledge Hub The important international reports relating to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and related issues collated into one place.
DrugScope Report Archive and DrugWise Reports Archive of reports produced by DrugScope from 2004 to 2015 divided into topic areas and new reports from DrugWise.
DrugSearch Online encyclopaedia of drugs and their history, effects and the law.
Druglink magazine archive Back issues to 2015 of the now discontinued drug sector magazine for the UK from DrugScope.

The national UK charity working to improve life for families affected by drugs and alcohol.
Reference and research Information and good-practice resources for professionals to inform their practice in working with families or effecting change locally.
Training and development Drugs and alcohol training, tools and information to help practitioners deliver effective family support.
News News from Adfam and more widely related to Adfam’s work.

European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
An EU decentralised agency which provides the EU and its member states with a factual overview of European drug problems and a solid evidence base to support the drugs debate and for drawing up informed drug laws and strategies. Also helps practitioners pinpoint best practice and new areas of research.
Best Practice Portal Discover what works (and what doesn’t work) in the areas of drug prevention, treatment, harm reduction and social reintegration.
Publications Search for or browse the centre’s publications including practice manuals and guidelines and reviews on topics such as cannabis and hepatitis C plus guidance on evaluation methodologies.
The online mutual support network of people working in health and social care. Originated in the NHS Research & Development programme in England but now UK-wide and international.